Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Year End...

Yeah, it's year end. And the joy of being both AP and HR means that I have about 4 million things to report on at year end. Vacation time, accruals for expenses, random stuff that just HAS to get done by the end of the year. I even took a picture of my desk this morning, just so I could remember what it should look like before I pulled out all the crap for the day. My head was about to explode after running around for 5 hours with a stack of paper in my hands, so I went out to get sushi and pick up the parking passes.

Wooooosh! Apparently the weather has changed again in San Diego - it's a blustery day! So I get to look like Cousin It while procuring lunch for myself. Just fabulous.. But I safely got food, yet no parking passes, and headed back to the office for the next 4 hour run. Mr. Approval is in the office today, so I need to get all the invoices, contracts, and HR crap in front of his nose or else it won't get done at all.

I am sooo looking forward to another long weekend this weekend, and next week is just a wonderful time. The 4th is a good day, yes it is....

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