Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Back on track

Back at my desk today, nothing too terrible happened in a day here. Big pile of paper to push around to various people, but nothing I can't handle.

Figured out a few amusing things as I woke up and trundled to work this morning. Stepped on the scale for the first time in a week and was more amused. I must be happy, I dropped 5 lbs. Usually if things are going well and I'm excited, all the nervous energy makes me svelte. If I'm unsure about stuff or things aren't going well, I tend to stay a bit rounded, almost like I need padding against the universe. Well, apparently I don't need it at the moment, as I just dropped the weight like a hot rock. Kinda neat actually, since I'm usually not too svelte during exam time. Right after, but not during...

Eh, coffee is a wonderful thing. It's the only way I function before noon sometimes. I really enjoy being paid for my people skills and managing workloads. I always wanted to get paid to talk and solve problems, and now I'm there.

Off to shovel through the piles to prioritize. Cheerio!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

44 days is a lot of time to have nervous energy.. dont dally about and loose the b'dunk..;)