Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Family Medical Leave Act

This is that program that lets you leave work and take an unpaid leave to do something family and health related: have a baby, care for a sick relative, get therapy for that which ails you. While in some ways it's the bane of my existance, I'd want my job back if I needed to do something like this.

The Dept of Labor is taking comments on people with experience with this benefit. Had a baby lately? I't probably relevant to you. Here's more info:



I make no guarantees as to how biased or factual it is, but they do give the links for making comments.

This is your government asking you to talk to them! Go do the American thing if you have something to say! This is direct participation, folks, and it affects many of us, probably all of us at one point or another. I really don't care what your view is, just go express it :-)

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