Friday, December 01, 2006

The problem with having too many names...

I've got a bunch of names in my actual name. Then I got married and changed my middle name. Miraculously, the state of my birth sends me a birth certificate with my married last name on it. ACK! I was not born married to the guy, thanks...

So I get my divorce, survive 9/11, change careers, decide to go to law school, and sign up for the China program. Which requires a passport. Which requires a birth certificate that matches my driver's license. *le sigh*

The Internet will save me! I roam here and there, attempting to find anything telling me A. why this happened, and B. How to fix it. Yesterday I searched to no real avail. The city website was about as helpful as a brick to the foot. Must be all that snow heading their way. So I gave up on them.

But I know I'll need the divorce decree, so I order a copy of that from LaLa land, and search through my vital papers for all the accutrements of my various name changes. Thus I find my "corrected" birth certificate, and growl at it again at seeing my former married name again (jokes about Roto Rooter are not allowed!).

But on the birth certificate is a different office. A Records Amendment office! Ooooo, amendments. I want another amendment, please. Luckily the State of NY website is vastly easier and more informative. And lo and behold, they have an informational email address. So I shoot off an email, hoping for a real person with a brain.

A lovely woman emails me back, assesses my situation, and tells me how to fix it! Jackpot! Ding ding ding! This makes me happy. So once my various papers show up, I'll pack them all in, print out our email train, and ship it off to the nice lady so I can still get my passport within 6 months.

My quest is almost over!

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