Tuesday, December 12, 2006

And back to my usual substance-less drivel...

I got my nails done for the first time in something like 6 months today. It was a level of fabulous! And I got to figure out the details on the ice rink at Horton plaza. Ice is for skating, and I miss it terrible! Despite being really sucky at it....I needed the break from thinking as a small woman painted pretty colors on my hands nad feet. It was lovely...

Although I'm railing against the last of my exams like anyone in their third year of law school would, I'm really doing ok. My focus hasn't ever really been on being the top of the class. Well, top 1/3, but not the uber law geek of all. I've got a life, thanks. I really pinch myself in the mornings and wonder how I got here sometimes. Then I remember the work, the crappy strange jobs, my firends and exes who have helped me immensely. And I'm still in awe that my mother and I haven't had an argument in months. It's a new record for us, kinda strange. I might be maturing. Eek! And I'm blessed with an excellent family of overachievers who are actually nice folks too. Huh, lookie there...

My brains are tapioca, btw. I have one exam tomorrow and the last of my take home paper to finish up. The paper isn't going to be great. I'm going to try, but thus far it's not pretty. I just don't feel like I got a good overview on the whole land use planning process in CA. Too much confusion from bringing in illustritive examples from other states. Blah. But I got a brilliant idea last night, so I'll be spending some time tonight and tomorrow digging into that. It'll be great.

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