Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And breathe....

Well, I snarled at the universe via one of my other blogs yesterday afternoon, and lo and behold, it responded! Within a few hours a few things got resolved, taking some of the load off of my heart for all this waiting. Granted, my job situation hasn't resolved, but I got a tip on a possible great job from my neighbor. And granted, I just got a voicemail from the recruiter chasing me down a few weeks ago saying they're still interested, but the holidays ate the hiring manager. And granted, I still have to wait another two weeks to see someone. But knowing that makes me feel vastly better! No grades yet, I'm practically gnawing on my desk in anticipation. If I tanked, this could be very bad. But I think I did average, so hopefully my gut is correct.

So yeah, things are good. Very very good. I really do need that 2 weeks to tackle some of the sewing strewn about my apartment like bad decor. I have mountains of commissions for Estrella (although if I get going, I'll be done with all of them in the next 2 weeks). Life is lovely. Could be a bit better, but progress is better than sitting and stewing...Now it's time to kick my 12th night plans into gear, get crap scheduled and booked, and get cranking on the sexy new garb for me for once!

And yes, I think your charm might hold, Mister. I do believe it just might.

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