Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The plague season

I have survived the beginning of the plague season.

It started on Sunday, when I generally felt out of it. Tried exercise, no dice. Tried lunch, not the problem. Tried a nap, could have slept all day. But I persevered and just went on as if nothing was wrong.

By 10am Monday, I felt like ass. Exhausted, stomach unhappy, sniffly and pitiful. I went home, after sticking out a 6 hour day. And slept. And slept some more. And did I mention sleep? I did that again, right after my nap. Woke up Tuesday morning and decided life was too short not to take care of myself a bit longer. And slept. Did homework between sleeping. Actually did a lot of homework, all things considered. But then, sitting with a book in my lap was about the most strenuous thing I could handle. I got a fever while doing dishes. Lord help me, I hope the briefs I wrote will work for class!

So, long sleepy story short, I'm better. Not sure I'm up for fighter practice tonight, but at least I'm not falling asleep in my keyboard while sniffling anymore. And yes, I'm getting enough sleep on the weekends and such. Really, I am taking care of myself. But sometimes the bug just gets you.

Stay frosty...

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