Friday, September 15, 2006

Err, ack. Grr... Friday night work, hooray!

Well, I have to vent. I don't have time to vent, but in the interests of my head not exploding, I'm going to.

I just ran home on my lunch to pull out one of my legal files, call the court, weasel out of them the forms needed to be filed, find said forms, email myself the links to them (learned something useful there!) and race back to work. Lunch is apparently not for eating...

Why did I do this? Because a file was on file that I didn't know was on fire. I thought the other file was on fire. But noooo, that file is moving more slowly, oh, and by the way we missed an appearance too. Great. Spiffy. Extra tasty with ranch on it.

So I'll be spending a chunk of my Friday evening getting a bunch of forms filled out and sent off to the signatories so they can be filed on Monday morning. Happy Friday.

I have half a bottle of white wine waiting for me when I get that done. I may not go to Crown tomorrow. We'll see if I get this crap done.

In positive news, I did learn where the CA Judicial Forms live on the Internet in all their glory... Now if I just had a guide to what actually works for what we want to do, that would be spiffy. But nooooo, that's legal advice. I'm supposed to be the one to give that advice, after I pass the Bar. I smell a chicken v. egg problem here. Time to call the library....

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate California flakey? Dammit people, when I say something, could you at least try to remember it? Maybe do what you say you're going to do? Show up when scheduled? Not be pissy when I don't know something you didn't tell me? I'm just saying...

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