Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Metrics, baby, it's all about the nums!

So I managed to get to the gym today, and jogged for 20 minutes, worked on my shoulders and legs. Good workout! I was getting a shower towel when the trainer dude at the desk asks if I want to measure my body fat. Sure, why the heck not, right? Last time we tried this, I was over 30% - not terrible, but not in my range of acceptable things in my universe. So he has me hold this little thingie and voila! Numbers pop up...

Good numbers, I might add! I've dropped about 4% body fat. BMI is still the same, but I think it's a crappy measure since I've clearly added lots of muscle. If my weight has gone up 6 pounds, yet my body fat has dropped, good news, eh? No wonder my FBI Academy shorts fit again! Woohoo! Go me! Happy dance in the shower!

So yeah, I'm buying one of those little Body fat monitor thingies. If anything gets me to the gym, it's seeing real numbers other than my scale. The scale gets frustrating when you're building muscle. I still have work to do, but that made me feel lovely!

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