Thursday, September 07, 2006

How did they do this without the Internet?

Ok, it's official. I have no idea how anyone practiced law without the use of computers.

So I have this paper to do for Land Use that's pretty basic. You find a planning decision that is about to be decided or has just been decided. You find the supporting documentation and write a paper outlining the proposal and the action taken. The whole thing is about 5-6 pages, double spaced. I've written love letters longer than that :-)

Well, I merrily found my issue, found the online agenda and submitted documentation, printed everything out, and I'll check and see if there's anything else I need once I read it this weekend. All this from the SD Planning Commission website, right? It's all right there, I just need to print it off and make sense of it.

What I can't imagine is looking all this crap up offline at the courthouse, copying all of it, praying you have it all, and having to slog to the meeting to see what happens. Not only are all of my documents online, but a video of the meeting is there too! Talk about assisting the terminally lazy! It's fabulous!

Thank goodness for technology. I'm pretty sure I'm the only anal idiot who's already got my paper research almost done, but I'd prefer to plan ahead for my pater procrastination. The writing always kills me.

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