Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Craving Girl Strikes Back!

So, I had this craving yesterday. I'd been doing my weekly plan of what to cook, and since fall is hitting, pumpkin things started sounding good. One the way home yesterday, I decide to drop into Wal Mart, get a few things I need and look for canned pumpkin. I know I've seen it there before, right?

Wrong. No dice. Got everything else, but no pumpkin... So I try Rite Aid. I know you're thinking I'm nuts, but again, I've seen it there before during the fall. It must not be thanksgiving time yet (wonder of wonders, they're not decorating for Christmas yet!). But again, no dice..

Last chance - Smart and Final. I know you're thinking "why not go to a supermarket?" Because they take longer. A lot longer. I usually get stuck behind the woman writing a check with 500 coupons. Root canals are shorter and less painful. I kick myself for thinking of this after the weekly foray to the grocery.

So, Smart and Final. I think I'm in love... Yet, I panic as I can't find pumpkin! I roam back and forth, around the woman in a burka speaking something other than English. I get frantic as I can't find it. I even check the freezer - no, no pumpkin pie even.. One more trip through the canned things aisle. I can get a can of salsa the size of my head - where's the pumpkin? And then I spot it, next to the head sized can of vanilla pudding. A can of pumpkin. And it too comes in the 16 lb. head sized can! Can you imagine a head sized can of pumpkin? In my madness and glee of finally finding the damn thing, I grab the huge can in celebration and swear not to run out of pumpkin until this craving is gone...

So I made pumpkin ravioli last night. And yes, 16 lbs. is a LOT of pumpkin. I hope I don't regret this...

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