Thursday, September 14, 2006

Better with an addiction!

Ok, so I'll stop whining about being sick now. Just rather weird how I felt like Superman on kryptonite. Weak and sniffly with a strange craving for chocolate. I had chocolate for dinner 3 days in a row. Not recommended, it's no wonder my stomach complained regularly.

But I am officially a junkie. Not just any junkie, but a reality tv junkie. It took them a lot of tries, and I attempted not to give in. But they created Project Runway, and it's all over folks. I'm addicted. Hooked. Willing to give up sleep. Plan my wine drinking around it (the show is better with a nice dry Chardonnay). And I swore this would never happen.

So now every Wednesday evening around 10pm, I'm camped out on the couch to see what craptacular fashions get created in a day. I don't feel so bad for some of my attempted outfits that failed miserably after seeing some of theirs. And I'll miss Angela, other than the damn rosettes everywhere! Holly Hobby is right! And it felt good to watch Jeffrey get blasted in the end last night. I'll miss Kaine's Elvis fashion sense, but there was no way he was going to win with those judges. But I'd loooove to see him open a dress shop in some good Southern city. He'd have clients for miles!

So yeah. Addicted. I'm so ashamed. I'm reading water rights cases today in atonement. And I'll hit the pell tonight too for missing practice yesterday. Blah.

1 comment:

Julia said...

As someone who OWNS all of the historical reality shows (1940, Victorian, Manor, Regency, Colonial, Frontier, Texas), I am not going to say anything.

Except I just got 'Clondike house' and realize I have a few other Canadian shows to buy. And I have to figure out how to get Convict House (in Australia) on a DVD/Video I can watch.

ps, I had a blast in Guatemala.