Thursday, June 15, 2006

I booked my flight, I booked my flight!

I booked my flight today, woohoo! Got a good deal by going directly through the airline, and flying home that final Friday instead of Saturday. Nice to have two days to recover over the weekend, too. I'll have to remember how to survive in real life again after a week without telephones or real schedules.

God, I can't wait for Pennsic! It's just fantastic! My watch is gone once I get on the plane. I turn off my phone once I'm on site. And I just go from cool thing to do to cool thing to do.... You end up meandering all over the place and just having a rocking good time. I meet a million peole every time I go, too! And I see people I haven't seen in years! It's just a great time, and now that I'm fighting again, it's yet another new experience! And now I've got the endurance to survive a few days of battles instead of taking breaks every other day. Just fun, whole different world, and good times...

Now, off to replenish on fabric and really start cranking out the clothes!

1 comment:

Melissa Hannon said...

Ammend the statement "phone off once on site".. should read.."Phone off once on site and Mel is found"