Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Dubby!

Everyone go out and wish my fantastic brother, Jeff(ie. Dubby), a wonderful birthday!

Now, understand, I forgot it was his birthday. I'm terrible at birthdays. It's part of the reason why I don't celebrate birthdays too enthusiastically on the actual day. I have a terrible time remembering when they actually are. But I lucked out and actually called him on his real birthday like a good sister. Until he reminded me that it was his birthday - oops!

Luckily he loves me and I love him, and we're all good. I'll send over his present on Friday when the money magically shows up in my account.

So why is my brother so wonderful? Well, he's MY brother. And he's a character like me. He's fun and goofy and a kick ass salesman. His fiancee thinks he's a stud, and he's got too many houses at the moment. (anyone want to buy a nice 2 bedroom home in NOVA?) His new house is rockin and it's in one of those country club developments. Yet he still likes his cheap beer, football games, bocce ball tournaments on the holidays, and kicking back with the rest of us yahoos in the family. I'm proud of my brother, and dammit you should be too! Being my brother is a difficult job at times, and somehow he's stuck to it and created a good life for himself to boot.

Happy birthday Bro!

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