Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Finding my way (cue proper Rush tune)

So, I'm beginning to realize how little I actually get about myself lately. I've been spending a lot of time running around, having fun, travelling, blah blah blah. Generally filling my time and not spending a lot of time just dealing with my crap. Hence the nasty results this semester in school. And hence the complete frustration in a lot of little things lately. Blerk, as my cat would say...

Well, now that the thought of law stuff no longer makes me nauseous and bitter, I'm starting to plan some research that may begin the process of writing a few articles on water rights and similar topics. I need to do something law related, and frankly, I won't have time for much more than writing on top of my normal work. And now that I have a real job, I'll be able to get rid of all the other stupid part time jobs. Blerk.

I should have a funeral for my love life. It's well and truly dead. The people I'm interested in are generally not interested in me, and other people are just damn confusing. Hot, cold, hot, cold. If I were wool, I'd have felted by now... And if I'm not interested, it's not going to help to keep throwing yourself bodily at me. Really. Go read David DeAngelo's site and get his program ( Although I hate to admit this, it would totally work on me if I were even vaguely attracted to you. Sad to admit, but yeah. Of course, everything has its limits, and since I already know the ins and outs of that program, there's the whole question of whether it truly would work on me... ack, hell I don't know anything anymore. San Diego - land of the love drought. I think I need to move away just on this point. I have nooo problems with guys being afraid of me when I travel. Heck, I need a large stick, someone to schedule the flirting opportunities, and bouncers to keep them in line. So what the hell is up with San Diego? Pardon me while I go beat my head against the wall for a while. If this sort of thing hadn’t been such a huge part of my life in the past, I probably wouldn’t miss it so much. While I’m learning to enjoy being single, there are limits to how much I can really enjoy fishing around for someone to go to stuff with me. Blerk.

Well, me and my unknown self are scheduling a few walkabouts to go spend time alone yet again. Get to know each other. Remind me to send flowers and chocolate :-) Blerk…

1 comment:

Melissa Hannon said...

Just remember darlin, we still love you no matter what. If you want, at Pennsic, I'll be your planner and Carolyn will be the bouncer.