Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Why I hate January...

1. No real holidays. After the insanity of December, they should let us down easier. New Years is technically part of December, since the part spent in January usually involves peeling your date off the floor, heading home, and recovering from your hangover.

2. Cold and dreary. Sun sets early. Depressing. Next...

3. The craptacular buildup to Valentines Day. They shouldn't be allowed to put that much pink crap in any one place. I think I'll go write a statute about the critical mass of pinkness and the adverse effects on single folk. It should be illegal unless it's a Barbie convention.

4. Anniversary of me asking for a divorce. Yes, I remember it. Yes, it's still a sad thing to consider. No, I don't regret it, but I can honor the good times of the longest relationship of my life.

5. My body's overwhelming desire to hibernate and eat the richest food it can find. Must be a remnant of my Buffalo days. And the usual flu I get every year. It's a relief to crawl into bed every night, even if I lay there cuddled up for hours while sleep eludes me.

6. Rain. I just hate cold rain. And California has a buttload of it. ANd it usually starts in January.

7. Year end everything. Accounting, HR, Taxes, yadda yadda. Why do we cram all of our deadlines into the month of holidays(December) and the month of recovery (January)? It's just a form of masochism. I admire the companies that buck the trend and close their books in June.

But on the Good Things side of it, my Godson was born in January. I think he saved the entire month...

And if nothing else, I can rescue myself with the wonders of the Internet. Here's a posting from another of my favorite blogs with a smackdown of hate between Juliette Lewis and the band Rush, made funnier to my head because I like both combatants and the author despises both. Somewhat...

JL v. Rush

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