Monday, January 15, 2007

Lessons from my winter break

Ahh winter. A chance to hide inside and relax, right? Well, I finished my exams and fell down. Then got up and sewed like a fiend. I had started my break with a break, literally a break up with a nice guy. Just didn't work out. Then started talking to someone else. Again, probably not working out any time soon. So I decided to go back and glean my little lessons from things, as I highly believe there is value in everything you experience. Nothing is ever over, and being enlightened is a good thing...right?

1. Karma is a bitch. Good, bad, intellectual, and visceral. Apparently I still have some to trade on the open market...

2. Sewing does not equal creativity. But my clothes will keep many warm at Estrella this year.

3. Fear and disappointment are human. And common. So is hope. The challenge lies in holding onto one in the face of the other two.

4. I'm pretty damn stubbborn when it comes to knowing how I feel. I know how I feel finally. That's pretty cool! And I'm not as logical as you might think. Just really articulate.

5. Hard work pays off. In spades. Despite how painful it can be at times.

6. I want a really beautiful love in my life. And I'm not interesting in settling for merely pretty.

7. My friends are precious and dear. They have held me close, dried my tears, explained the chaos, drilled me with flash cards, asked what they can do to help, and just handed me a beer when all else just doesn't matter.

8. I'm pretty damn happy with my life. I bounce back quickly. I experience things fully, take a look at what happened, then move on to the next experience. Heck, I'm travelling pretty lightly lately. And I'm not interested in picking up any baggage, thanks...

9. Exercise and good, healthy food are the simplest, least drama laden ways to make myself happy. Sure, it's not as satisfying as some things. but there are few strings attached.

10. I still hate sword and board. But I will learn it.

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