Thursday, January 04, 2007

Limbo, my personal hell...

Currently, I have a few situations in my life which involve waiting. Lots of uncertainty, unknowns that could bite me in the ass, things I should bide my time on or just have to see what happens. And this, my friends, is probably one of the things I hate most in the world. I despise waiting for any period of time longer than a day or two. I'm big on decision making, moving forward, not dicking people around, and just getting things settled. I used to have an ulcer because my job was to wait. And wait and wait and wait. I simply hate it, it takes a huge toll on my system!

But then, I've been burned terribly in the past as well for jumping too quickly. Checking references extensively has become the way I do things, and my gut has become rather well trained in the ways of the people radar. Unfortunately it seems that for some things, I just have to continue to be patient! Luckily, one will resolve tomorrow, thank goodness! Another situation I'm about to prod the recruiter about yet again in a moment. And I just about had a heart attack today when I thought my China tuition had been lost in the mail - eek! I about died waiting for the bank to call me back. Luckily things are fine, but whew, crappy few moments there! They still lost my tuition payment, but that seems to be fixable with only minor inconvenience.

Ugh, I'm tired I think. Time to go home!

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