Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Friday the 13th!

I'm useless today...

It's friday, I'm flying up to War tonight, my next deadline is next wednesday for the project at work, and I'm bored....

Yay Sabres - they won game 1 against the Islanders! Woohoo!

Finally, finally finished my Carolyn Myss DVD last night - good stuff. She goes along with the Vonnegut quote below wholeheartedly - you are what you say you are. And if you're literally stuck on someone or can't get past a past experience, all your energy is going to go into that mental block.

Flit flit - off to another topic... Garb! I'm slumming it this weekend. Early Norman layered tunics. Best remedy for a rainy event. Outer layers schuck off the rain while the inner ones keep you warm. I really hope I didn't forget anything important. And if I did, who cares!

Almost time for exams. Time to start my 1918 flu paper due next week - eek!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday! (A bit late, but well... You know...)

Hope that the War was fun, and drier than expected... The best part about the layered early stuff is that it takes minutes to get it on to go out and live it up... Here's to hoping that you did exactly that! Hugs, Ais