Monday, March 26, 2007

Oh blessed reset button

As much as I wanted to go to West Crown this weekend, I think I made the better choice in visiting my sister. I finally figured out by Friday, while home in pain, that the vicoden which so wonderfully helped my arm heal, ate my intestines. So I spent the weekend detoxing from the painkillers, basking in the warmth of my nephew's adoration, and relaxing with friends and family. It was good for me, I needed the reassurance and rest badly.

Saturday I drove up to my sister's, stopped off to hunt for that bridesmaid dress I need to get, then spent the afternoon and evening with my sis and her family. I adore my godson, and playing with him in the park was fantastic! He loves the swings, just as I did at that age, and he kept wanting to go faster and higher. So I pushed as high as my heart could handle, and I chased him all over the slides and jungle gym as well. His laughter was just a joy, and my sister was relieved to have the help in tiring him out. And I got to hold my niece in the evening for an hour or so, she snorted and cooed and sighed at me. It was just amusing to me, because I was terribly protective of my sister and both kids. Having them around makes me lioness Auntie Jammy. I'm fierce, don't mess with my family :-)

Sunday, I went to the 40th birthday party of one of my dear friends. These are my SCA household friends, despite our general lack of SCA involvement for most of them. But they're my favorite partners in crime, and my former D&D group (ie. excuse to sit around, talk, and drink excellent microbrews). We played a card game, chatted, caught up and it was just wonderful to see them! I let them know about the Portland plan, and they were psyched for me. And they're more likely to visit me in Portland than they ever were while I'm in San Diego. Hooray!

Finally I drove home in the evening, finished my homework, and finished puttering around the house. Just relaxing and fun all weekend.

Congrats to my friends who got knighted this weekend! Very much deserved, and I'm very sorry to have missed it!

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