Monday, March 12, 2007

Go see 300!

My personal review of 300:

300 was AWESOME! The lights came back up and the end and I felt like a 5 year old at Disney - Do it again! I want to see it on IMAX. I want to see it every day. I want posters of the MEN in this movie wallpapering my universe. Good god it was good! I felt like writing the director love poetry when it was done. I hated the fact that my doc hasn't released me to fight yet when it was over. It was so tasty, delicious, happy, satisfying, and the use of slow motion wasn't the train wreck I was afraid it might be. I was grateful for the slow motion - it gave me more time with their amazingly sculpted bodies. This movie should be in a museum for the sheer David-esque quality of the men. The personal trainers should get Oscars... Oy! I need a cold shower now just thinking about it. Ok, I'll stop. But run, do not walk, do not pass go, do not collect $200 before you see this movie! And most of the guys I know liked it too. Except those who aren't comfy with lots of almost naked men. Personally, the dudity was just fine for me.

Yes, I know. I sound like a teenage girl on crack. But I liked Leonidis's wife too. Really - she kicked ass, literally! There was much applause at a certain part. If you saw it, you know the one I mean. And I'm writing that quote on my new shield once I make it :-)

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