Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Way of the Fluffy Kitten

Ok, so apparently this is the week for my body to tell me I'm meek and weak again. I can't move my left arm much, sleep still eludes me, and I definitely need more protein in my diet. Not to mention my angst over little things like traffic and parental shortfalls.

So I'll just have to lie here looking cute, and attempt to get the stuff done for the week that I need to. I think I'm getting a telegram from my body to take a break. I'm better this week, but still feeling slow. Fighter practice on Sunday felt great, but now two days later my shield arm barely works around the muscle pain. Yay, muscle pain.

Got paper done. It's ass, but then it's describing a political decision, so it's gonna sound ass. Not very lawyerly, but then I'm not really all that concerned about that lately. Decent grade would be lovely. My spelling and punctuation is good. It's done. I followed the given outline, I think.

Did some research on body weight exercises today. Found a good link that describes a bunch of exercises that all the various gurus want to charge you $49.95 for their book on it. Yup, better to have the link. I need to see if this guy has advertising on his site. If he does, I'm going to go click on all his ads. http://www.combatfitness.co.uk/

And I need to write a letter to the Mayor. Traffic is getting ridiculous getting from the 94 into downtown. The trip on the 94 is taking about 10-15 minutes. The trip to get from the edge of town to my building on B street is taking an additional 20-30 minutes in the morning. Add it up, and I'm getting cranky. The problem is all the lane closures downtown. This morning I tried any side street I could, and they were all blocked up due to closing 2 lanes on H Street. I was having a good morning until I got stuck in that. Remind me again why it is desirable to close 2 lanes of the major exit street off of the 94 before 9:30 in the morning? Thanks for creating my headache. Time to write a letter.

This fluffy kitten is a bit miffy today. Partner out of the office, so the universe assumes I'm psychic and know her job as well as mine. Personally, I might if I wanted to be office babysitter for the rest of my life. But see Exhibit A: Law School. Yeah, no, thanks. I'm done attempting to impress the world with my task juggling with shiny attitude skills. I'd rather have a career. I'd rather actually be respected for what I know rather than my ability to fill the copy machine while answering phones and delivering the mail. Granted, I know I don't know crap about being a lawyer. I'm hoping my piece of paper and eventual passing grade on the CA Bar will help. Or I'll just go start an exercise program. That seems lucrative.

Handing in my deposit on China tonight. Yay!

In the meantime, I'm going to go meditate on my inner conflict. Or my belly button lint. Or traffic. Errr, maybe not traffic.

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