Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Verdict on Birthday?

Since my last post, I've been pleasantly surprised! I was rather touched by my friends who were apparently willing to go out of their way to wish me a happy birthday and wish me well! My family even came through with some calls and emails - it was rather nice. Even my cousin emailed me unexpectedly, which I very much appreciated. Kinda nice actually, since I haven't talked to a lot of my extended family for a while.

I got flowers and loving wishes, a cocktail poured for me, cards, cake, kisses, jokes, and a bunch of time with my honey. Granted, sleep was a bit limited, but some things are worth missing sleep over!

So yeah, all in all, not too shabby. I even survived my classes with a modicum of pain and suffering. Back to panicking over how much crap I need to get done, wheeee!

Hope your day is pleasantly surprising!

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