Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Books Books Books!

So, it occurs to me as I print out my 17th shipping slip for Amazon, that I hate asking for money.

I'm not big on it, I can make my own if given the chance. But I would accept donations of books and crap to sell if folks want to help out. I think I need to have the mother of all garage sales anyways. I'm currently buried in fabric, so I just need to sit and attack the pile until it becomes smaller. And more useful as clothing.

But books seem to be pretty successful. I'm up to $120 in net sales, and around $90 after shipping costs. Not bad for a passive sort of sales. And everyone I know has too many books - cook books, history books, novels, etc.

So if you have books that need to go away, and you want to help, let me know.

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