Monday, May 01, 2006

Just not right

Ok, so in my procrastination laden weekend, I came across a Flight 93 movie somewhere on tv. Thw whole thing just made me mad. I could only watch a few minutes of the passengers calling their relatives and telling them they loved them before I had to turn it off. Why are humans just so damn fascinated by the macabre concepts of weird ways to die?

I just don't understand the fascination. Maybe it's my time investigating this type of stuff that just makes me want to shoot the producers. Sure, they'll say they're "doing a service", that they're "respecting the deaths of those heros".... I've heard those excuses before, mainly from the press. At the end of the day, a lot of people died in a horrific way. If it were my family member that had died, I'd be hard pressed to agree to some crap like this.

It's just hard for me to watch such a horrible situation, knowing they're all going to die. It's just not entertainment to me. Kind of like watching bear baiting or some such sport - you know they're going to be horridly tortured before the end, why are we watching this.

I don't need to be reminded that there are fanatics in the world. Sure, it's better for the public's opinion on Iraq to have a reminder of how we got there. But do we have to do it by exploiting people who died?

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