Thursday, April 27, 2006

Happy fun day!

Ok, I’m spoiled by my boss. Not only does he believe in the “entrepreneurship” style of management (ie. if you can justify it, get away with it, and bring some benefit to the office, you can do it), not only does he encourage to fill my days with archaic real estate reading, but he then got me a Super Duper art glass vase today. It’s that whole “professional assistants” day type thing, and while I don’t think of myself as an assistant, apparently he does.

Now I’ve made out like a bandit this week – a massage and a sexy peacock colored vase. Apparently they like me and my partner in crime, B, who keep this place running. It’s rather tasty to be appreciated! I’ve never gotten anything for this quasi-secretary’s day thing before, so it’s rather exciting! I’m planning to have my massage once exams are done. Nothing like happy things from people who appreciate what you do! Usually no one notices until something breaks or gets FUBAR’d. And then I swoop in with my tool kit, tech skills, and phone headset. Half the time, no one even knew something broke. They’re crafty, but I tend to be 2 steps ahead.

So all in all, a fabulous day, good workout, tasty lunch, pretty gifts, and screw it, I’m skipping the damn Con Law review session to spend some quality time on my flash cards instead. Maybe write a sample answer or two to get a feel for it. Life, my friends, is good!

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