Friday, April 21, 2006

Paper topics....

So just when you thought I was just going to sit on my ass and drink all summer, I say au contraire mes amies!

I think I'm a gonna write a paper or two. Then send them off to law reviews and see about publication. No clue if they'll publish my crap, but I need the practice...

So I'm looking for topics. What do YOU want to know about in the legal world?

I'm thinking:
"1st Amendment rights in a socially drinking society: aka. America's right to gossip about their friends"
"Legal ramifications of blogs on one's privacy" - oh so applicble :-)
"Why California sucks: a legal analysis and comparison"
"Aardvark regulations and their effects on office harmony - a primer for the Girl Friday"
"Period torture devices and organized crime in Medieval France"

Ok, so the last two aren't terribly legal....

I dunno, whaddya think?


The Loremaster said...

Ok, I'll bite: what the hell is an "aardvark regulation"?!?

Face on Fire said...

Aardvark regulations are the obnoxious little rules that companies and labor boards make that contradict each other, making employees say things like "you didn't hear me say this, but...." or "I wouldn't recommend this on the record, but if you want to get around Rule A, this is what I would do".... Utterly annoying, and while they may be based on valid concerns, they are rarely followed to the letter.