Tuesday, May 30, 2006

War numero uno....

Whew! What a war! I had a fabulous time, and I hope those of you who went as well. As usual, it was a great pleasure to see many of my friends and make new ones. This is going to take a few postings, so enjoy!

Overall, I was prepared for difficult times. Luckily, my friends tend to be rather logical, intelligent, and focused on the important things in life, so potential difficulties were addressed as a group. I talked to lots of people all weekend, and I was regularly impressed by the grace and tact of all I spoke with. It seemed there was an emphasis on dealing with any issues personally, taking responsibility for individual actions, and standing together as friends. Bless all of you, it was downright inspiring. On to the nitty gritty…

I had a BLAST fighting, especially on Sunday! While Saturday started out in difficulty, I scraped myself up and kept going. Some of you might have seen me launched into next week by Sir Njall on the early bridge battles on Saturday. It was a lesson in physics, as I had just thrown a spear shot hard when Njall connected just as hard with my helm. I was thrown about 5 feet back and landed twisted on my hip. I experienced that wonderful moment when you feel like curling up and staying there until the herd of elephants gets off of you. I’m happy to report that my Orkney self scraped myself up and crawled off the field. Then I had those lovely moments when I’m in pain, can’t help tearing up, I’m angry as hell because of embarrassment and shock, and Nate’s just begging me to let him go gack Njall. Well, my logic ruled out, I called off Nate, and I discussed the situation with Njall for a while. I’d like to officially say that I completely forgive him for throwing a good, hard shot that wasn’t meant for me, and rattled me all the way down my spine. Things happen in battle, it’s part of the game. I’m not thrilled about getting hurt, but I can deal. And I appreciated that Njall made sure to come by and talk to me. That impressed me more than anything, as I respect someone who deals directly with others in dealing with problems. That takes courage. And I apologize to anyone I may have offended for the rest of Saturday - my temper was up and I had Tourette's moments on a regular basis. I wasn't happy with my tendency to swear, and I apologize.

Otherwise, it was a good weekend for working on spear skills with the guys and working as a unit. We had a blast on the redoubt battle, although it was a rather difficult scenario. You really had to go out on a limb to gain a flag, and it got both harder and easier the next day with the rules changes. I kind of got sick of debating the “what hay bale can we shoot over” issue, but complex scenarios always seem to have that problem. But I had a few good personal moments, as I was apparently maniacally giggling and spearing people according to Big John. And I was told that I really was “Bad Ass”. While that still gives me the giggles, as I think I’m about as bad ass as a ground squirrel with a big stick, so be it. More from your favorite ground squirrel in a bit…

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