Monday, February 12, 2007


Well, I got most of what I wanted to get done this weekend done. I even got started on packing. But I've still got finish work on the Greek tunic from Hell. It's starting to look really fantastic. But dear god, the amount of hand work on this thing is killing me. I spent about 20 hours on it this weekend, taking breaks to get the last two tunics done while the paint detail dried. Spent another 1/2 hour on it this morning before my shower so the border could dry while I was at work. One more lion, 4 more little men, and the applique part is done. Then I just need to sew the tunic together (by hand, of course), and finish the edging and paint detail on the applique people, and voila! Oh, and finish packing. That would be nice, eh?

Oh, and I got my reading done for today. It's bad when homework is a relaxing relief from sewing...

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