Monday, February 26, 2007

And I'm spent...

Had a good, packed weekend. Now I'm just plain tired.

Went to the FDCPA workshop - it was fabulous. And there was barely anyone there, which was sad. Oh well, I guess they don't need training in a practice area that actually helps consumers deal with nasty collection agencies. Not sure I'd want to make it my whole practice, but it's a nice addition to any skill set.
I was also able to go pick up a recording of the MPRE class that I missed due to the FDCPA workshop - audio in the car is just fine for me. And I even interviewed with the two agencies I wanted to that were at the job fair at the same time as the workshop. Go me, multitasking like a fiend on Saturday!

Went to the Burner fairy party thing with A on Saturday night. It was fun, and rather girly to dress up, stick flowers in our hair and go dance. I didn't get nearly enough party on at Estrella, so this fit the bill nicely. I laughed at the number of oflks wanting to talk to A in her belly dacne outfit. She looked fabulous, and I was considering investing in baseball bats so we could just dance already. But we had fun. I got a drive by shimmy by the cutest little angel boy gay man in the place, and we have a nice little dance circle going on with the El wire cowboy, timid transvestite, two angel boys wearing almost nothing, and me and A. And I found a bartender who knew what I meant about a good Cosmo. Then had a long drunken conversation with a guy outside about dealing with women in general. Nothing like alcoholic philosophy. All in all a very fun night, even if I didn't last until breakfast at dawn. 2am was enough for me, and we staggered home.

Although I was amused to note the disdain for drinking among the crowd. It was subtle, but I can't see this crowd being kind to an over sauced imbiber. Funny how the legal drug gets shit when overdone, eh?

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