Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Oy - freaky nightmare!

Woke up this morning to a freaky nightmare about a guy who kidnapped me and was in the process of forcing me to clean his bathroom when I escaped. The main comforting part was that I flat out wasn't giving in in the slightest in the dream. At one point, he was whipping me with a yard stick, and I took it away from him and broke it. Then threw it at him. Amusing, especially when I ran out of there with no shoes and I was wondering how the hell I was going to call anyone when I didn't have anyone's phone number. Thank you cell phone age!

But freaky to wake up to nightmares. I haven't done that in quite a while. Must be the job thing.


Anonymous said...


Funny that you dreamed that... I dreamt that you and I were trapped in Disneyland and kept escaping via James Bond moves in a toontown environment. We got help from the "characters" to hide from the children... What do you think? Ready to run? Mine was not scary, it was thrilling and funny and we kept laughing and running. Better that you join my in mine, than I in yours... But interesting that we had such similar dreams at the same time...

Face on Fire said...

hahaha ok Anonymous... Who the hell was I running through Disney with?

Always nice to know whose self conscious I'm stuck in :-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry... It's Ais... Anonymous was the only way I could post the comment... I love that you have so many great friends that you would have to question who was going to Disneyland... That sooooo tickles my fancy and my funny bone... Cheers Dear...