Friday, February 23, 2007

Let's just start with Owie....

Ok, I've been back to work now for 3 days, working on 4. I have to say I hate computers, mice, keyboards, and anything that requires two hands to manuver. Doc said to use the crap out of my hand so I'd get feeling back in my fingers, and dammit I am. I've made up a few new swear words on the way too...

So since I can't concentrate on my accounting to finish at the moment, let's describe what's going on in my hand:

Imagine itsy bitsy hot pokers along each finger bone, that join together along the underside of your arm. Add in the creepy crawly nerves, and the perpetual feeling that something is in the palm of your hand. Toss in some rotator cuff soreness, an inability to rest your elbow on anything for longer than a few seconds and random cramping among the muscles in your hands.. Hoo-fucking-ray... I'm not bitchy, just grumpy when the painkiller wears off. Sneaks up on me as the dose drops.

Yeah, and I feel like sewing now. A lot. And Inkle weaving. I saw a lot of cool stuff at war and I want to create cool stuff out of the new materials I got. But DENIED... I can't work a pair of scissors at the moment, so it looks like I'll be a law student all weekend. I can manuver a book, and my writing is geting more readable every day.


*le sigh* plus ca chose, plus ca meme chose..

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