Thursday, July 06, 2006


I hate days like this. I am so bored I can’t see straight. No major projects on my desk that aren’t already cranking along. No serious things to fix. I have to do filing. I want to eat pizza. I need a nap. I’m just not excited about anything other than going home. Heck, I’m not even jazzed for class tonight since I need to be there for the random people who show up that aren’t into the ME guild and don’t read MySpace for reminders. Heck, I can’t even tell when there’s supposed to be a ME guild meeting. It’s placed on random days of the month, and frankly, it’s too much work to worry about what week it is to figure out whether I should be somewhere else or not. Eh, meetings. Bleh. I’d rather sit home and watch TV.

But I’ll do class for whoever shows up tonight. But it’ll probably be a short class since we won’t have drummers and such. I may just do an hour with whoever is there and see what happens. And remind people to check MySpace for announcements about class. And find out whether I need to make announcements elsewhere so that when I do have a life, they don’t keep showing up.

Bleck, not excited and I’d really love a nap right now. Carpooled today, so no nap for me. I think I’ll go tanning or sit on a bike at the gym for a while. Oh the excitement…

1 comment:

John Hulsey said...

How did I know this was posted today, and sometime fairly recently?

There is just something about today that has the whole world on slow-mode. Ugh.

No suggestions for you today, though. I am struggling with it myself.