Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pissy = Worldly goodness

So apparently my little post below had lots of amusing things for search engines. I got hits from Oman and Estonia, among others. Hulloooo world! Nice to see you! Welcome to my page!

Otherwise, things are all in line and happy. China crap being packed slowly. Ordered a personal filter bottle - i figured for $20 it's worth it. Even if it gets stolen. I feel better if my mom and I have a reliable source of water regardless of where we are. Got my paperwork, my money belt, just have to pack up some goodies and start the stack of clothing to pare down dramatically.

Calmed down on the man front too. Exams are just a pain sometimes. I skipped last night's review session and class and went home and got 11 hours of sleep, thanks to a little sleeping pill. I still feel spacy today, but the rest was worth it. Not the same as natural rest, but I needed the downtime bad. I have to figure things out for stress, as 2 months of this chaos before the Bar might kill me.

Although I did still have the thought of " I could still move anywhere or stay here" last night. I think moving added to the stress a bit. Most of my bookshelves are packed up and I got rid of my couch, so it's real that one way or another, I'm moving. Ugh. Hate moving, but I still can't buy a house in SD. Love my friends, when I have time to enjoy them, but I still can't get what I want here. How crappy...

But looking forward to the shopping spree of the decade, shopped Nordies for pictures of suits to have made, and got price approximations for various souveniers. Should be fun, and I'm very much looking forward to it!

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