Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Still in exams

Yup, midway through my finals. Just plugging along in my senioritis state. I am a bit more motivated to study properly after last night's Trusts exam. Not pretty, but not a complete loss. I got the code sections in there, and I think my short answers aren't too terrible. The long essay was a bear, and not a paragon of organization. Blah. I wrote like crap, but hopefully everyone else did too since there was way too much to do in 2 hours.

Went home in my zombified state and watched Heroes with the neighbors. Cool show, I wish I'd actually been able to watch it during the semester, but no. Hopefully I'll remember to see next week's double episode.

Cutting off my hair today. While I like my hair long, there's a point where it just looks nasty from existing just too long. Time to chop a few inches off and see about looking stylish again...

Blurgh arrgh harmanz...

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