Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tralalalala.. Yay for Southwest and gaining perspective.

So, now I'm in Vegas for my birthday weekend. Life is fabulous!

Wildfires: Still no one dreadfully harmed, other than a lot of folks reeling from the crappy air quality. And I even heard that Potrero park seems to have survived somehow, despite a lot of the homes around it going up. I swear that park has its own force field...

Internship: Going well, despite two weeks of illness followed by a week of office-wide mourning for our lost attorney, followed by this week of constant stress for me keeping track of my peeps in SD not on fire. Let's hope they still love me on Monday.

Birthday: Rocked, despite a rather calm celebration. No overwhelming need to make an ass out of myself through alcohol this year. I'll save that for graduation :-) Or not. But I can't think of a batter way to celebrate than in my honey's arms, after a buffet dinner and harrassing Southwest into getting me here 3 hours earlier than expected. And a lovely beer in the airport bar discussing real estate with the other airport barflies. Bliss! Happy 34 to me!

Bar exam: I haven't even started studying for it and I think it sucks. I hates it, Mr. Frodo, I hates it! That being said, I'm picking my terrain carefully to assault this monster. I have officially decided to ruin my summer by taking the July Bar instead. But at least I get to enjoy Black Thursday (aka. Valentine's Day) without the insanity of a looming Bar this year. And go to Estrella. And maybe fight, but we'll see. And I'll make time for M's wedding. All will be well...

State of mind: Damn, the healing from exhaustion goes on and on. I can't work out for more than 45 minutes without my immune system losing out to a virus. Hence the 2 weeks of being sick earlier this month. And given the opportunity, I could sleep at any point in the day for 2-4 hours unless I've had coffee. Wow. Yeah, I don't recommend anyone going through that much social, school, and employment stress all in 2 constant years if you can possibly avoid it. I'll be over here taking supplements, sleeping regularly, and trying to get workouts back up to a reasonable level and number of days per week again.

Creative: Cranked out Roman tunics this week, thanks to eBay. Have Jedi robes and a pile of SCA sewing on deck. 3 more inkle projects on tap, and one with a diamond pick up pattern that finally makes sense to me. We'll see if it sucks :-)

Go be kind to yourself and others.

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