Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Thoughts for a new new year.

My apologies, it's been a while since I've felt I need to blog over here.

Well, I've graduated from law school. My immediate reaction is "Now what?"

And I have no real answer. I have lots of ideas, but first things first. I need a basic job that will pay my bills. That's got to be the first priority, as my job runs out at the end of this month. Somehow, I'll find something.

Then, we'll see. I'm still contemplating Vegas, mainly because of its better job market and cheaper living. But in order to get there, I need money. I see a trend here.

And beyond that, I have faith that things will work out. But in the meantime, I'd love some stability in my universe. I crave it like I sometimes crave ice cream. A regular paycheck that covers all my bills sounds like heaven. And I haven't heard anything about my loans yet, so I'm a bit terrified about those, too.

I'd like to practice as an attorney. Then again I know me, and if I got a sexy satisfying job, I'd want to stay put for a while. Still planning on the July Bar somewhere, but I have another month to contemplate that and save some cash so I can pay the fees.

And yeah, I'm terrified about the amount of money I need to come up with over the next few months. It's huge, and I very well might have to wait a full year for next February's Bar exam, simply because I can't afford it.

Yes, I still want to kick my family because they're not helpful in the slightest.

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