Monday, October 30, 2006

White Flag of Happiness..

Ok, that's it, I surrender. Wow, my schedule got full in a really short period of time, and it made me cranky without realizing why. I started panicking last week about random events, and that means that I smell exams coming up. I snapped at my honey about a zombie movie marathon (so sorry honey!) because I suddenly felt like I just couldn't give up that much time. One movie, no problem. More than that, and I should be doing flashcards or sewing or something! Eek!

I was also conquered by a dress last night. I have a gorgeous dress in the making, thanks to my wonderful honey. I had finally corrected the issues in the pattern, pieced all the bits together, tacked the outside to the inside, flipped it inside out and voila! The outside asymmetrical sweep of black lace goes the wrong way. Ack! It's just wrong wrong wrong, and the constant pulling the thing apart is starting to make the dress smaller. Blah. And it's pretty too! Bwahahahahaha! Nah, I don't think it's fixable by this weekend, but I may try if I get the stack of homework done first. And feel like pulling out another 5-6 seams. Blah...

And I'm thinking it's insane to try to do the gauntlet this year. My hand still hurts on and off, and I just haven't been working out. I'm actually kind of sad about that - I had such momentum going! But then, I'm not paying $80,000+ for the gaunntlet, nor will the gauntlet get me anything other than bruises and the admiration of my peers. I'd rather focus on the important shit, like paying for school by getting a real job and passing the Bar.

So it's priority time. Usually my priorities run something like this:

During exams it's more like this:
Flash Cards
Working out when I'm about to kill people
Study Group
Studying again

So yeah, about that time for me to be buckling down and becoming one with my books. Luckily one exam is a take home monster, another is open book. It's the last one - Evidence - that's giving me hives. Which is funny, because most of the basic courses responded nicely to the usual methods. And I still haven't gotten my midterms back, so I have no idea how far in the hole my universe is. *le sigh*

So yes, my universe is contracting again. Smooches to all, I'll be over here under the large stacks of index cards and notebook paper. At least I paid attention in class this semester. There might be hope for better grades.

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