Monday, October 02, 2006

One little victory..

Someone told me that I always sounded mad lately in my blogs. That's something that's always been rather difficult for me - expressing those little annoyances of the universe. I wasn't a big venting sort of person until recently, as I tend to not want to burden people with my personal issues, legion that they can be. But a blog is impersonal, public, yet unless you know me you may not understand what's being discussed. I want folks to sometimes know about things, yet I'm not addressing anyone in particular. As for lately, well, I'm sick. I'm always generally cranky when I'm sick. And I have time to sit and think since I usually get restricted from working out and don't have the energy to finish projects. Mix it all up and bake for two weeks, and there you have it.

I tend to think of it as focused, too. There are things I allow on my radar, and things I kick off my radar. If it's something I don't think is worth bothering with, yet it keeps coming up, it annoys me. I have highly limited time and energy for anything not essential or related to my school. So when stupid things happen, as they seem to do a lot lately, I'm doubly annoyed. Hence discussion on the old blog. Better to get something out and smear it all over cyberspace than blowing up in front of someone. Ack. Bit of pressure in the whole grad school thing. But it does make the blog slant towards the annoyances of the world.

So really, my universe is pretty good. I have a handle on my school stuff, social and love lives are good. I freak out about finances, but then, anyone would freak out about my finances (helloooo student debt!). Family is good, and generally talking to each other. I get to start working out again soon. And I may still have a long shot at getting my funding and such together to spend a few weeks in China to get my summer courses rather than staying here in SD. It's still a long shot, but I'm going to try. Hello

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