Monday, March 05, 2007

Fantastic weekend!

Had a great time in LA, despite no sleep. Baby cute, family amusing. Had German brunch with household peeps up there. Nothing like good beer and sausage for breakfast! Plans made to scoot back up there instead of West Crown. Family issues, and a need to do a last commission or two before I leave town. So no insane car trip by myself across the whole state of CA. And I'm not crying about that. Once my passenger dropped out I wasn't looking forward to a 12 hour drive by myself to hang out for a day then head home. Too much for one person...

Realized while purusing my friends' various pages that I'm just not a poetry person. Sure, I adore Rumi and Shakespear and certain other wordsmiths. But when it comes to reading poetry, it's almost a ritual for me. I know whose words I like to hear, and it takes a minor mindshift for me to sit still and pay attention. So I just don't read most of the poetry, good bad or ugly, posted on the random blog sites. I just don't. I found that amusing. I'm a poetry snob! Or I just don't want to spend time right now... I dunno, just don't take this as an invitation to send me every long, meandering poem out there. If it's really bad, send it over. I somehow have a soft spot in my heart for truly abysmal poetry. One of those train wreck things I guess :-)


Anonymous said...

I am so bummed you are not making it up for Crown. I was hoping to share a few beers and chat. Maybe I will have to come visit. Nothing like an excuse to go to sunny SD.


Melissa Hannon said...

Did you get any pictures of the new addition yet???? miss you!