Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Ha! Victory is MINE!

Crisis averted. After talking to half of the administration yesterday, then emailing them this morning, I got the ability to take my writing course in the fall. Thank freaking GOD! I was rather annoyed about the whole thing, since they randomly changed the requirement. I even went home and read my Student Handbook to see if I was crazy. Nope, no such requirement.

So I did what any self-respecting Office Manager would do in a messy situation - I CC'd everyone who might have a clue and asked again. And lo and behold, I got the Registrar to email me back and say I can take it in my Fall semester.

I really hate this kind of bureaucratic stress, but at least they fixed it with some speed. I think I would have had an ulcer by Friday if not. Arrgh...

But yeah, crisis averted, life still on same schedule. Now, to go plan the job hunt from hell.....

1 comment:

Melissa Hannon said...

I think it was a test - who in their right mind would challenge the school to take a class? It was a test to use the skills they have taught you thus far.....

well, maybe ;)