Wednesday, December 12, 2007
How not to shop..
I so agree with her, I can't stand holiday shopping guilt trip advertising...
(please disregard her ads for retreats - unless of course you want to go)
Thursday, December 06, 2007
My favorite new blog from someone I don't know..
Just one post and I'm hooked!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Reality Check
I'm almost down to my goal debt of being under $90k in debt when I graduate school, including all incidental debt, such as car loans and credit cards.
Go me! This could have been really ugly, and it could have been lower I'm sure. But sti8cking to a reasonable goal is an admirable thing :-)
Thursday, November 01, 2007
And Trust, while I'm at it. On the very personal level...
Perhaps it's because I'm from the NorthEast, where having a bit of room between people is an accepted social need. You don't assume you know anyone because you met them once, hung out for an hour, shared a drink, read their blog, whatever. You take your interaction with them as one bit of time spent for what it is - a brief look at that person in that moment. Give them room to show you who they are instead of cramming them into whatever social label you think fits. Give them a chance to actually get to know what's underneath instead of assuming that they're just
Now, there's something to be said for hitting it off with someone. Someone who just gets under your skin in a good way. You talk forever easily, relate, connect, and just grok each other. Usually it's just a pile of shared values and ways of expressing things. It's been a while, but yeah, when it's just that kind of thing, it's a huge relief. Someone who just connects with you, who you trust, who just gets it. I've got a bunch of those people in my life. One brand new person who knocks my socks off completely. Some folks earned it through action, some just showed up and surprised the hell out of me. Some folks have lost that, but still stay on my good people list. But I have to say that it is a huge relief to have these people in my life.
It's good to trust. I need to repeat that to myself. No chick is an island, or something like that. Battles are easier if you're not your own, one person army. And parties are more fun with others to attend. It's sooo tempting for me, lone wolf that I've been becoming, to wall up and hide out and wait to see if the weather will pass. It won't, it never does. Shit flies, despite all laws of physics. Monkeys like to throw it. Better to have people you trust to help in the shitstorm and shovel out when you get a break. Breathe, accept, relax. And trust...
Deep thoughts
I started school right after a nasty break up. No way to sugar coat that one. It was ugly, messy, and left scars. I hadn't been cheated on before, and not thrilled about repeating that experience. And I had enough proof to not want to have to worry about it anymore. But it made me cynical, angry and generally depressed about people in general. Not terribly fair, as I had and still have some fantastic friends who helped me through it all. But I was hurting, and didn't have my usual amount of free mental time to process things. And it's not something you just gloss over and move on. I tried to move on, but it took me quite a while to mostly get over it.
But I'm definitely once bitten, twice shy. My guard is still up, especially with the social foo that exploded for the following 2 years. Sheesh, people, get a grip! Just when I thought the biggest issue in my universe was whether to date or not, the SCA Drama LLama kicked me in the head repeatedly. A lot of you were right there with me and getting your own pain and suffering to match mine. We circled the wagons and tried to keep our dignity. Not easy when you're dragged through shit and forced to look at everyone cross eyed to see whose side they think they're on. Sure, common enemies can be motivation for a united front. Or it can create a shitty high school atmosphere of he said, she said, where no one is safe from the social lions and everyone enjoys seeing people dragged down and proven fallible. Hooray for the lynch mob, and don't ever pretend any one of us was safe. I truly feel sorry for everyone in that situation, even the ones I personally despise. I can feel sorry, forgive, but still not want a damn thing to do with you. Sure, it's fun to throw fuel on the gossip fires, but don't blame me when it burns you, too.
What did I learn?
- It's ok not to like people, just make sure everyone knows where your boundaries are. It's ok to have boundaries, and some people fear people with strong boundaries.
- It's perfectly acceptable to be polite in crappy situations and to tell the truth, the whole truth, and *ahem* nothing beyond the truth. Saying things judiciously is a virtue. Not being politically correct can save a sinking ship. Know when it's virtue v. a dying horse that's been beaten into hamburger.
- Check sources before making grand gestures. Grand gestures bite you in the butt more often than quiet ones.
- Never mess with the stealth bards - the story tellers, singers, well respected social butterflys. They are listened to more than the hoity toity, mainly because they genuinely like talking to people.
- Pay attention to who is friends with whom, and more importantly, who talks to whom. Talking does not equal friendship, don't fool yourself. Some people equate people listening to them talk with power.
- Being no one is not the same as being powerless. There's a lot of powerful nobodys around here, simply because they are good, fun people.
- Sex is a huge motivator, almost as tasty as revenge and perceived power.
- Better to stick with the friends who have your back than the ones who have lots of people's backs. No conflicts on who to save when the ship goes down with all hands aboard.
- Being safe is better than being respected, given that crappy choice.
- You just have to back up what you say with what you do. Really.
- If you're not visible and active, no one cares what you think. Really. The social herd has about a 5 minute memory and attention span.
- Sometimes it's better to retreat and get out of the fray than to attempt to fight.
- Most social fighting has the consistency of Jello - you can't nail it to the wall, clean it up, or make it hold any consistent shape. But everyone has room for Jello.
So yes, lots of you are getting the invitation. Bug me if I forget you. I'm still human.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tralalalala.. Yay for Southwest and gaining perspective.
Wildfires: Still no one dreadfully harmed, other than a lot of folks reeling from the crappy air quality. And I even heard that Potrero park seems to have survived somehow, despite a lot of the homes around it going up. I swear that park has its own force field...
Internship: Going well, despite two weeks of illness followed by a week of office-wide mourning for our lost attorney, followed by this week of constant stress for me keeping track of my peeps in SD not on fire. Let's hope they still love me on Monday.
Birthday: Rocked, despite a rather calm celebration. No overwhelming need to make an ass out of myself through alcohol this year. I'll save that for graduation :-) Or not. But I can't think of a batter way to celebrate than in my honey's arms, after a buffet dinner and harrassing Southwest into getting me here 3 hours earlier than expected. And a lovely beer in the airport bar discussing real estate with the other airport barflies. Bliss! Happy 34 to me!
Bar exam: I haven't even started studying for it and I think it sucks. I hates it, Mr. Frodo, I hates it! That being said, I'm picking my terrain carefully to assault this monster. I have officially decided to ruin my summer by taking the July Bar instead. But at least I get to enjoy Black Thursday (aka. Valentine's Day) without the insanity of a looming Bar this year. And go to Estrella. And maybe fight, but we'll see. And I'll make time for M's wedding. All will be well...
State of mind: Damn, the healing from exhaustion goes on and on. I can't work out for more than 45 minutes without my immune system losing out to a virus. Hence the 2 weeks of being sick earlier this month. And given the opportunity, I could sleep at any point in the day for 2-4 hours unless I've had coffee. Wow. Yeah, I don't recommend anyone going through that much social, school, and employment stress all in 2 constant years if you can possibly avoid it. I'll be over here taking supplements, sleeping regularly, and trying to get workouts back up to a reasonable level and number of days per week again.
Creative: Cranked out Roman tunics this week, thanks to eBay. Have Jedi robes and a pile of SCA sewing on deck. 3 more inkle projects on tap, and one with a diamond pick up pattern that finally makes sense to me. We'll see if it sucks :-)
Go be kind to yourself and others.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
When Angels Fall...
I've watched the angels falling for a few weeks now. Good folks being laid low by life and seeing their proverbial wings ripped off. Bit graphic, but you get the meaning, right? And I am one of those people who believes "why do surgury when a chainsaw will reduce follow up visits", right?
I'm meandering, let me get to the point. I love these people. Some a little, some a lot. And I'd like to welcome them to my fold - I put up a net for you plummeting angel types. Hopefully I'll catch some of you. And I'm here to tell you it's ok not to be perfect and nice and kind all the time. In fact, it's impossible. We're not built that way, and the challenge is to find ways to be dignified about the painful and rude things that are part of who we are. Pain is just the reminder that you're not just letting things be what they are.
I watched my entire office's heart break yesterday for a man who was a dilligent paladin for poor clients in my office. His spirit just up and left a few weeks ago, leaving a pile of devastated people wondering why. My world view thinks he was offered a bigger spiritual role and took the gamble to move on. But it doesn't lessen the hurt that I'm watching everyone around me pour out. And his father's pain, oy! My boss said she was a terrible boss to him yesterday, and it's the furthest thing from reality I've ever seen a grieving person say. But to see the rest of the stable of paladins just break down and weep has made this a difficult week. Even his adverasries wept for the loss of him. My inner calm bucket is empty and dry - I'll need to take care of that. But there's anger and hurt and pain all around me - none of it is anything other than appropriate. There's nothing bad about feeling the way we all do. But everyone is questioning themselves and how they feel. And I've been walkng around telling people to be kind to themselves, take it easy, take the time to feel what you're feeling and accept it for what it is. And then I get socked in the gut with everyone else and have to take my own advice. Goodbye Jesus - I'll see you with your new set of wings and a honking big sword in my time. May you continue to be the champion you were in life.
I've watched my roomies struggle with love and communication and pain caused from not connecting on either level. Luckily they got there, but it took time and patience. There is nothing wrong with wanting your champion to be your champion and publicly acknowledge it. Nothing at all. Having the strength to stand up and ask for it is, to me, simply part of your self respect needs. It's scary to risk feeling rejected if you don't get it. Especially when I know you both care so much for each other. And I'm very very happy for both of you for weathering this. It was a wonderful bit of courage.
Oh baby. I've been there.
I've been in the land of "Dear God am I doing the right thing?" If I am, why does it hurt so much? Am I a bad person for doing this? And at the time, I feel that I was a bad person, but not for the reasons I thought at the time. I was so disappointed in myself and my failures that I was seriously considering checking out. Luckily, I had someone very sweet in my life who dragged my ass to get some help. And I needed it. Not everyone does. (thank you Michael, you saved my ass. I can't thank you enough or apologize for the hurt I caused. But I can say that I'm very happy to see you happy with a wonderful, talented woman. Best wishes.)
But when you build rigid and stiff like I did, any earthquake that comes along will rock you. Kindness, patience, forgiveness are the things that make life less rigid and brittle. I had to learn about these things intimately and learn how to put them to use. Especially giving myself the room to use them on me. I'm still learning how to be kind to myself, not let the small things get me, and treat others more gently than I even do for myself.
And fighting. Battle has been my biggest learning arena lately. Learning how to do battle with grace, strength and kindness has been the biggest challenge. I joined the Orkneys to learn about brotherhood, brutality, and ferocity. I went to law school to learn grace and skill in strategy, and to fight for and earn the respect I crave in my professional life. I moved to new places to teach myself how to accept change and people in general. I've learned so very much, and yet I still feel like a novice.
So while I'm overwhelmed at the moment, and feeling less than effective, I now have a toolkit to cope. So tonight, after I pay off my sparkly bit to assuage my inner girl, I'm sitting myself down with purpose. I'm laying my soul out to dry from the tears and to fix this week's pains. Giving over the sorrow and loss to the world, and just accepting where I'm at.
And just so you know where I'm at, I'm right next to you. I can see your opponent on the line of life. I can tell you're bracing yourself and gripping your weapons a bit tighter, as you see that really big opponent line up across from you. I watch your back, and I know you're trying to watch mine as well. We've been blocking blows for each other as we can, parrying, and throwing shots when it helps. I'm here, I believe in your ability to beat this one. And my spear will be right there for whatever help I can do with it. Just accept it, dammit. :-)
And your wings do grow back. I promise.
Your own worst enemy....
I adore this woman, and I dont' know her. But she writes terribly well, and nails the slippery crap right to the wall with an authentic Elizabethan nail. Go read it.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
And I'm back...
Had a lovely realization last night. I'm well adjusted. Self accepting. Stable and relatively positive to my fellow women. What brought this on? I have a wonderful friend, who has just lost boatloads of weight. She (I'm sure) looks fantastic! And not only am I not the sligthest bit jealous, but I'm really proud of her. Sure, it did remind me that the gym is a good happy place for me, and it did get me going again. But no competition, no stupidity, no usual woman-crap. Not bad eh?
We talked last night as she's in the mall attempting to find what clothing fits her new bod. I can relate, as clothing shopping is not a fun thing to me. Dental work is higher on the fun things list, as I understand the need for good teeth in my genearl happiness plan. So I'm giving her suggestions and realizing that she's truly my size or smaller now, and I'm just happy for her. No anxiety, yay! Go me with the uber supportive and I'm not even lying train of thought :-)
Now, dont' get me wrong, I'd like to tone up and all that usual jazz. But I don't feel like her accomplishment is anything but her accomplishment. I accept that I'm not as small as I'd like to be at the moment, but i'm still damn cute. And I have a hot man telling me so on a regular basis. I have actually dropped a few pounds since I moved up here, but nothing dramatic. I also gained a few. It's a trade off.
But I'm really, truly happy with my body. Only took 33.99 years, eh?
Monday, June 11, 2007
I'm Baaaaack!
More later, just glad to be home.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Whew! Hold on for the ride, eh?
Few more projects to finish and finish packing, hit a bunch of social stuff over the next few days, and wheee! I'm off!
This is all rather surreal. I've planned this for the past year, worked my butt off to get the cash together, worked the admin to get my degree in order, went to classes did homework, wrapped up my job and finally, finally it's here. And it's weird. Anticipation, it gets me every time.
So I'm just trying to relax, stay in the minute and enjoy my last few moments of this part of my existance. And then it's time to shake it all up, change things for a bit and travel for a bit. Pack all myy stuff up and move to another state yet again. Nomadic life, it's fabulous! Just in time to avoid the allergy season reving up down here..
So yeah, a bit terrified, a bit excited and a lot relieved.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Still in exams
Went home in my zombified state and watched Heroes with the neighbors. Cool show, I wish I'd actually been able to watch it during the semester, but no. Hopefully I'll remember to see next week's double episode.
Cutting off my hair today. While I like my hair long, there's a point where it just looks nasty from existing just too long. Time to chop a few inches off and see about looking stylish again...
Blurgh arrgh harmanz...
Friday, May 04, 2007
Neil's essay about the new Rush album.
I really enjoyed this. Now go Google: Leela, the game
How to dissect a Rush album
Pop the album in for its first listening. Usually rough. I run around the house and let it just wash over me while I do whatever tasks I need to get done. I can tell if I like something because it makes me stop and listen wherever I am, regardless of what I'm doing. But no going back - gotta listen to it all the way through the first time.
Burn a copy for the car, where I do the real listening. And I'm allowed to go back in songs, restart, and examine the ones that hit me. And I play it to death, usually for at least a week or two unless I have some car trips. The main body of digesting is here. Things hit me, I learn the lyrics, I hear the interplay of the instruments.
I take a break. A day, a week, a month or two, I just stop listening. And let the cravings start. Usually I wait until I have to hear a particular riff or song that's bouncing around in my head. And then I can go back to playing it to death again. I've killed more than a few burned copies this way. The world got cheaper with CD burning and not in a derogatory way...
Eventually I feel how it fits into my Rush mental library. It fits into a spot nicely, speaks to certain resonances in my brain or soul, talks to certain experiences.
This one is about meaning so far. Spirituality in a way. A lot of there recent stuff has those themes, and it seems that each album has a new facet, a refinement to the seeking. I laughed when they covered "The Seeker" for their EP a few years back. It explained a lot...
So there you have it. How I make a month or two meal of a new Rush album. I gnaw, gnosh, chew, masticate, ruminate (one of my favorites) over it until I feel its part of me. Not the prettiest metaphor, but it works.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Here's my Hangzhou travel blog
Here's where I'll be blogging in China, once I get there.
All adventure and scholarly goodness!
Pissy = Worldly goodness
Otherwise, things are all in line and happy. China crap being packed slowly. Ordered a personal filter bottle - i figured for $20 it's worth it. Even if it gets stolen. I feel better if my mom and I have a reliable source of water regardless of where we are. Got my paperwork, my money belt, just have to pack up some goodies and start the stack of clothing to pare down dramatically.
Calmed down on the man front too. Exams are just a pain sometimes. I skipped last night's review session and class and went home and got 11 hours of sleep, thanks to a little sleeping pill. I still feel spacy today, but the rest was worth it. Not the same as natural rest, but I needed the downtime bad. I have to figure things out for stress, as 2 months of this chaos before the Bar might kill me.
Although I did still have the thought of " I could still move anywhere or stay here" last night. I think moving added to the stress a bit. Most of my bookshelves are packed up and I got rid of my couch, so it's real that one way or another, I'm moving. Ugh. Hate moving, but I still can't buy a house in SD. Love my friends, when I have time to enjoy them, but I still can't get what I want here. How crappy...
But looking forward to the shopping spree of the decade, shopped Nordies for pictures of suits to have made, and got price approximations for various souveniers. Should be fun, and I'm very much looking forward to it!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Just a little advice..
1. I have a long history of supporting myself (and sometimes others), with only one time in my life I can point to where others carried me, since I left my parent's home.
2. When the chips are down, I always have a job. Maybe two. Sometimes (dear god) three, if that's what's needed. I just do what I have to.
3. Except for that one time, which I am eternally grateful for those who helped me, I have always paid my bills, taken care of my own shit, and generally acted mostly like an adult.
Ergo, given the above, don't ever imply that you will need to support me. It's one thing to "be the man". It's another to imply that I need someone else to take care of me. That there is the road to goodbyeland, and I know you don't want to visit there. I have life insurance for a reason, I have multiple contingencies for any occasion.
An additional point is that I am capable. Very, terrifyingly capable at times. I know how to call coordinates for an airstrike, honey, I don't need you to tell me that I have to move to a certain neighborhood. I have my criteria, I can discuss options with the police department if needed.
And you'd better not be assuming that you're moving in with me. That requires a form of commitment, usually in the form of an engagement or some similar situation we've collectively negotiated for the common good, usually after successfully dated for more than a year, usually 2. I used to be an Internal Auditor, I'm big on due dilligence, and that takes time.
Yes, I'm bitchy. It's exam time. Kind of like 3 weeks of PMS, compounded by personal things scheduled all over my universe at the moment. I'm not angry, but I just feel like this is not a no brainer situation. I don't advertise my helplessness, as far as I can tell. I got over codependence, and I kinda like having boundaries. They're rather fun, and make achieving things rather less painful. But jeez Louise! Don't acknowledge my boundaries then pretend they're not there for your own personal convenience....
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Brains just not there....
Just busy busy and not a lot of brains left over to write. I'll be thankful when I'm on a plane to China and can't do anything anymore...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Since I haven't posted yet today, have some good stuff..
1. Thou Shalt Learn To Communicate in the 21st Century. If you cannot communicate in the 21st century, you can’t operate in business. Power is the control, access, and distribution of information.
2. Perception is Reality. Intelligence never speaks loudly enough, at least not in a crowded media market. The perception of you or what you do is as important as what you really do.
3. Thou Shalt Dream. This is the concept of creative visualization – what your goals are – and not just letting your future happen to you.
4. Be Sure Your Goal Is What You Really Want. Oscar Wilde said, “When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.”
5. Thou Shalt Cover Responsibility. You can’t replace the “old guard” unless you take the responsibility for moving forward.
6. No Guts … No Glory. You can’t wait until you feel like you know a subject inside and out. You just have to adopt the Flying Wallenda factor – be on the high wire and show some guts.
7. Develop Three Kinds of Bones. A Funny Bone, a Wishbone, and a Backbone.
8. Nurture Thyself … Then Each Other. Everyone’s success is built on centuries of struggle. You have to protect that and nurture that to be part of something bigger than yourself.
9. Never Stop Learning. My favorite Japanese proverb is “I learn only to be contented.” Lifelong learning has to be a part of your business experience, not just your personal experience.
10. Conspire To Make A Better World. Try to change the system by working within the system without acting like the system. We have taught men to be brave and women to care. Now, we have to teach men to be brave enough to care about an equal and open society and teach women to care enough to be brave and not only to rock the cradle, but to rock the boat to make a better world.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Note to self...
You'll take Bar/Bri and PMBR. It will cost $4,000. Get over it. If you're nice, I'll let you buy an extra Oregon book or two to brush up.
Zombie Dream #48
So I'm at a big West camping event, and I decide to go visit Gia down the road at her campsite. She's camped a bit away from folks, so I figure I'll go check on her. She's got a killer canvas tent with a bed and pretty big setup. It's got to be 20x30 in there! Nice, right?
Well, we're hanging out and talking and I warn her about the zombies. At this point no one has died from the zombies, they're just shuffling around the campsite. She's like, yeah, I know, they're annoying and scrabble on the sides of the tent, but I can pretty much ignore them as long as I stay inside. Now, the amusing point, is that at this point, the zombies are still fresh and just look like overly drunk people who can't talk. They don't attack anyone, they just shuffle around and moan. We're hanging out and having a good time, and just about when I'm thinking of heading back to Orkney camp, crap starts happening.
Some dude starts pulling the ties on the doors of her tent, and zombies start trying to enter. I confront the dude pulling on the ties, dark haired and somewhat resembles the first guy I ever dated in high school (!). I ask him where he's from, and he says Calontir and tries to leave. I try to grab him, but he moves back from the tent as zombies try to push in. I hold up a tiny throwing knife and tell him not to make me use this. His eyes get wide, as he knows that if the zombies smell blood, it's all over. He runs, but he gets away.
G and I get the damn zombies out of the tent by pushing them back out the doors and quick tying up the ties. We stop and look at each other, and I say You know we're screwed if anyone gets the slightest cut? Just the, we hear all hell break loose outside. D'oh is standing on the shower platform nearby and laughing as someone is taken down by the zombies. Yup, here we go. I was just going to suggest she get packed up and get her happy butt out of here, but now it's about just surviving. The zombies go nuts, attacking each other and the folks in that area. We dive back into the tent, and make a plan. I tell her to find Rorik and Jackie and get into one of their vehicles. I'm heading back to my camp to join the Orkneys in cleaning up this mess. We hug, she gives me a big stick she's got handy in the tent, and I wake up as I leave the tent...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Last thought for Friday
I applaud the heroism of those who saved each other's lives by getting people out of harm's way as best they could.
I hate copycats.
I'm sad for unfinished lives, despite my Buddha nature trying to insist they will go on to have another shot or to a much higher place. It's still a terrible waste.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Not quite sure how I managed this, but...
Got a physical, they took my blood and gave me the tetanus shot I'd come to get. I'm still alive, go me! I shouldn't have any cholesterol or diabetes issues, but they like to panic over those. Doesn't run in the family, so I'm not terribly concerned.
Now to continue having my fries with a boatload of salt, yoga mornings, calestenics, and eating veggies.....
Zombie Dream #47
Apparantly she was just dream-bait, because she disturbed a pack of zombies in the other bedroom. If my cats coud roll their eyes at me, that was the look I got from them as we dove into the closet. No clue what happened to dream bait chick, but regardless, we were screwed. The other bedroom had mirrored closet sliding doors on it. Little known fact about me - I hate mirrored closet sliding doors. Despise them even. Not only are they a cheater way to make a room supposedly look bigger, but they never work right and creep me out at night when I see my reflection in them. Blah.
So here's me and my cats, huddled in the closet with zombies scrabbling at the cheap mirrored doors. The doors keep sliding a bit open and shut as I try to find a way to wedge them. And then it hits me. There's really not way out of this. It's a crappy safe house, and now the zombies are going to be all over us as soon as the doors give in. Blah. So I wake up...
Can you tell it's exam time? Always the zombie dreams near exam time....
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Hmm, time to get to work...
But in all that travel, I simply spent too much. I did an audit this morning, and reliazed that in my travels, I just spent a bit too much. I need to quick start up the money machine and get more stuff listed on eBay and Amazon. Its not like I don't have more stuff to sell than time to sell it all in. I have oodles of crap! The issue is to get it all online and listed and turned into green...
And I have a very nice lady who begs to pay me to come help her out, so I scheduled some time with her as well. We'll be spending some quality time over the next few weeks. The good news is that part of my over spending was accounting for the last few expenses for China - visa, medical insurance, weekend trips, etc. And covering a few things for B&D's wedding next week. But it does mean that my spending cash fund is rather low....I have credit card, but I'd rather not. And you can't rely on it for street vendors and small meals. better to have the cashola!
So yeah, while I will be working my butt off, but no more than I have been while travelling the last few weeks. Time to get the final exam goodies rolling too. I'm completely capable of doing really well this semester. Time to buckle down...
Friday, April 13, 2007
Happy Friday the 13th!
It's friday, I'm flying up to War tonight, my next deadline is next wednesday for the project at work, and I'm bored....
Yay Sabres - they won game 1 against the Islanders! Woohoo!
Finally, finally finished my Carolyn Myss DVD last night - good stuff. She goes along with the Vonnegut quote below wholeheartedly - you are what you say you are. And if you're literally stuck on someone or can't get past a past experience, all your energy is going to go into that mental block.
Flit flit - off to another topic... Garb! I'm slumming it this weekend. Early Norman layered tunics. Best remedy for a rainy event. Outer layers schuck off the rain while the inner ones keep you warm. I really hope I didn't forget anything important. And if I did, who cares!
Almost time for exams. Time to start my 1918 flu paper due next week - eek!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Ahh Mr. Vonnegut
And that is about my favorite quote ever....
Thank you Kurt Vonnegut.
Rush and Independence Day...
Then I got bumped this past weekend, and collected a free round trip. And looked at the Rush concert dates, and Voila! Rush is in Buffalo at the theme park near my parents' house for the 4th of July. Kinda cool, eh? Granted, I'm not going to the concert with anyone, but I generally can have a wonderful time all by myself in a crowd of Rush fans without any issues. Besides, I really just want to go to the concert something terrible. I may see them again in SD or Portland if I can afford it. But even if I only go the once, it'll be a great time.
Yay! Rush! And I'm waiting on the pre-order of their new album. I should have it in a few weeks... Tasty. Always good to have more music from your favorite band. They almost take up a whole CD case in my collection, between 30 something albums, tribute albums, compilations, etc. Yay!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I can pull my entire Stafford allowance for the year for the Fall semester. I have money to support my happy butt with while I intern in Portland this fall!
Yay! Triple Yay! It's not living in luxury, but it is vastly less painful than having to come up with a full time job and my BarBri tuition out of nowhere. I can work part time and not kill myself to just bring money in the door.
Oh bliss, huge weight off my chest.... And if I'm good with managing it, I may even be able to scrape up the cash to see my brother's family at Xmas.
Oh, my entire summer just got less painful. I was kinda freaking out (no kidding, eh?) about how the hell I was going to support myself. Now I know I'll be ok.
And my passport arrived. This universe likes me!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Hmmm, not just about high school
This paragraph especially struck me:
"Because I didn't fit into this world, I thought that something must be wrong with me. I didn't realize that the reason we nerds didn't fit in was that in some ways we were a step ahead. We were already thinking about the kind of things that matter in the real world, instead of spending all our time playing an exacting but mostly pointless game like the others."
Oooo, and these two paragraphs as well:
"When there is some real external test of skill, it isn't painful to be at the bottom of the hierarchy. A rookie on a football team doesn't resent the skill of the veteran; he hopes to be like him one day and is happy to have the chance to learn from him. The veteran may in turn feel a sense of noblesse oblige. And most importantly, their status depends on how well they do against opponents, not on whether they can push the other down.
Court hierarchies are another thing entirely. This type of society debases anyone who enters it. There is neither admiration at the bottom, nor noblesse oblige at the top. It's kill or be killed."
Sound familiar to you? It did to me :-) It's a tasty bit of intellectual steak...
Ahh, yes. My mother...
"It is always good to see you, but you have to stop skipping around in life & realize your adults years are here right now. Keep a steady job & accumulate some capital for the future years.Pay down some of your college debt too. Plan on taking the Ca boards as that is where you went to law school."
Note that I'm 33, divorced, lived in 4 states or so, always have been employed except for right after 9/11, and never moved home ever again after college. Nor will I. And this is why. I'm perfectly capable of running my own damn life. Thanks for playing.
Mind you, my mother doesn't have a degree, has never been in a court as far as I can tell, and has no idea what a law degree entails. Or that the Bar exam is exclusive to each state. Sure, it's nice that my parents worry. But there's a point where I just want to scream, " I know what the fuck I'm doing - go away!" Sure, I'll take the California Bar. Great idea since I won't be living or working here. It'll do me a lot of good.
Funny part is that most parents would be thrilled to have an over-educated, reasonably stable daughter who's not taking drugs, didn't get pregnant in her teens, is relatively responsible, well respected by her peers and generally helps out when she can.
But I'm a bad person for flying home for the first time in over a year this summer because it's the last time for a while I think I'll be able to afford it. Yup. That's me.
Screw that - I'm coming home, I'm going to the Rush concert on July 4th, and I'm going to have a lovely time. With or without my stupid mom's comments.
Monday, April 09, 2007
And I will be selling some of my costumes soon
I have too much garb that's just not period enough for my taste, and too light to wear in An Tir...
Stay posted - I'll put up the eBay link once they're on sale...
Sometimes things are just good...
Basically I went to get one last check of the area and see if I could handle living there. It was a classic Portland weather weekend - some sun, some drizzle, some clouds. But it was warmer than I expected, and I expect to need to wear a lot of layers for the first few years. My skin adored having actual humidity again. We tourned the town a bunch, and thanksfully A didn't kill me after the 47 gazillionth time he asked what I wanted to do, and I didn't have an answer. But I saw different neighborhoods, spent way too much money on fun things, and just came to the opinion that I would really like Portland.
We went to Lewis & Clark on Friday so I could check in with the Career Services office up there, called the sports agent guy, then to Oregon City (pub #1) and seeing the area. Stopped off for a tool about downtown, Irish lunch (pub #2) and Powell's books, where I did vast amounts of damage to their stock of medieval law books. Then back towards the airport for a nap. Saw B that night and went to Kennedy school(pub #3). Saturday we started with pub breakfast(pub #4) in Oregon City with J and G (nice folks, yay!), a browse around and area whose name I can't seem to pull out of my head at the moment but had a great music store and other cool shops, then off to Saturday market and met up with a bunch of folks. Much browsing (more damage, but new cotton bedsheet - yay!) and off to Crush (pub #5), which was closed, so off to Squeeze (pub #6) where we enjoyed a range of cocktails that were extra yum. Impromptu party at L's house was hatched, and I got to enjoy an evening with a bunch of folks and some fantabulous nachos! Sunday, we went back to pub #4 for breakfast, then over to pub #1 for an afternoon Guiness. Eventually though I had to bit ethe bullet and head to the airport.
I hated leaving. I like Portland a lot. It so did not harsh my groove. Good beer, less crowding, fewer overdressed/made up people. I have my ambition and all, but I don't need to wear it, thanks. And maybe I was just vastly more relaxed than usual, but everyone seemed so damn friendly! Then again, it also could have been that I spent the weekend with a happy gentle buzz and plenty of sleep for the first time in weeks.
Yeah, I'll be just fine up there...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Tired, but here starts the weekend...
Called L&C, found out that my Career Services people are really just not good. Called and bugged them again to get their collective crap together. Hopefully he actually did send the damn email like he's supposed to this time. Ugh, he really doesn't want to mess with me. I will make his universe complex... I'll call in a bit and find out if hellfire needs to rain down.
And thankfully it's off to the airport soon. For once I'm happy to have a layover. Means I can get more homework done and relax with some more magazines...
Have a lovely weekend! If you're Christian, Happy Easter! Personally I'll just eat good chocolate and call family on Sunday. Yay!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Beer Camp!
While I missed seeing my friends at Coronet, I was visiting a non-SCA person. So we went to beer camp instead! It was fabulous! The Original Beer Camp to me will always be Zeitgeist in San Fran - it's a cool ass bar, with really good beer. Inside is kinda small, but outside they have rows and rows of picnic tables. Everyone gets cozy, socializes like mad, admires the walking talking eye candy, and keeps a nice happy beer buzz. The bartenders rock - I'd only wait in line for a few minutes tops, and the people were cool to the point that I always ended up talking to people while waiting in line.
So, I've decided that beer camp can be a travelling idea. What does it require, you ask? First off, good beer. Can't be beer camp without excellent beer, right? And by the pitcher has to be possible. Good beer should be shared around like you're at Thanksgiving dinner and Aunt Hattie wants more potatos. Pouring a glass of good beer for a friend is a warm fuzzy. And excellent part of beer camp.
Second, beer camp needs a social area. Preferably tables, as it's a better place to put a pitcher that has not yet been blessed by emptiness. Preferably tables that fit lots of folks to share said beer and talk up a storm. There should be multiple such tables, as half of the fun of beer camp is the other campers. Sunshine and outdoors is also preferable, but adaptable based on your part of the country. Why would you be sent to beer camp but to get some sunshine and exercise, eh?
Third, beer camp needs pub food. Simple, unadorned, yet good sustanance. Campers work up a sweat lifting pitchers and debating with their neighbors. Cheeseburgers, fries, bangers and mash - pub food. Pub food goes well with beer, is non-fussy, and provides good nosh for energetic exchanges about Othello and Guiness v. Fat Tire discussions.
Fourth, beer camp needs efficient bathrooms. 'Nuff said, I think.
Fifth, beer camp needs YOU! You socially delicious, beer sipping, diety of friendship! Your observation skills + witty banter + sexy demeanor all add to the benefits of going to beer camp. Ask any kid sent to summer camp - if your camp mates stunk and were annoying, it was hell. But I know you, and you are the pinnacle of fun! The utmost in entertaining! The sultan of social! And your individual talents will add to the overall welcoming ambiance of the joint...
So there it is. Coming to a suitable establishment near you....
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Full disclosure announcement
Nothing too CIA - just IP tracking. It amuses me to see how many folks from China and Brazil read my meanderings and wonder what the heck it means. Apparantly a lot do.
But I thought you should know :-)
Every once in a while I hermit up, wear my pajamas for an entire day, and just wake up with nothing to do planned. Granted, I usually end up tackling a huge project of some sort, but I don't plan to. Putter around the house, and just let myself flit from whatever needs to happen to whatever comes up next. I usually end up doing some of the relaxing things I crave, like naps or good, scratch home cooking. And sometimes I really get nothing more accomplished other than my brain getting a break. It's really theraputic, and I have found that I'll get physically sick if I haven't done this in a while. My body's way of keeping me honest.
Granted, I'm sure some people so this all the time, but with all the crap I have to finish on any given day, I just can't. I look forward to not having quite so much on my plate after graduation and the bar, although it's still a bit off. And for once I'm not terrified about moving to yet another new area. I have friends there, I've been to visit a few times. I know some of the SCA folks, and I dunno, it just feels good. We'll see how long that lasts when the truck is gone, my crap is all over my new place and I'm not sure what the heck I'm doing. Yay for panic after the fact, eh?
I'm sure I'll be fine, but it's strange to be more relaxed than usual. Or maybe the school stress is drowning the move and China stress...
Someone please tell the Passport office that they need to ship mine out ASAP, please. This is rapidly becoming not funny.
Monday, April 02, 2007
And how are you being today?
Interesting... Kinda like a beginning Buddhist application to leadership.
Hooray for chiropractors!
He slapped warm and cold packs on it, stuck me on the rolly thingie, rubbed this linament stuff that heated and cooled at the same time (very cool, must buy some to have in kit), cracked me all over the place, and left me for a while to breathe. I'm about 2" taller and have my grin back!
Amazing, just wonderful and amazing. I feel like I can face the universe again..
Friday, March 30, 2007
Sittin on the porch..
So I settled in to let my head develop, turned on Carolyn Myss again, and settled in to watch with my inkle weaving for a few minutes. Hooray for Netflix!
Now, I found Carolyn Myss about 5 years ago when my universe was a wreck. There were a few good things keeping me from jumping off a pier, but not too much. But I stumbled across a TV program on PBS with her talking away, and just got hooked. She's a very straightforward kinda new-agey type. There was a time when I got into the floofier varieties of New Agey stuff, but for the most part, I like my facts hot and sizzling and fresh off the scientific research. Everything else is theatre to me, and while there's a place for it, I just can't get as fluffy as I used to. And here's this woman, who's currently a medical intuitive, who used to be in a nice, normal boring career. And the words that are coming out of her mouth, oh boy! She's pretty blunt - it's a different kind of way of speaking.
The part I got to last night in the video("Why people don't heal" I think is the name of it) was about how people find their value and bonding experiences by rehashing their bad times and "wounds" with each other. And she's right - there's something about sharing a terrible thing that's happened to you that can be a socially bonding experience. How many times have you found yourself sharing something vulnerable with someone else way before they know you from Adam? And it can grant you sympathy, acceptance, comiseration, and a sense of comfort that wouldn't normally be forthcoming, right?
Well, there's a dwelling on the past that happens in this exchange that can be draining. I've noticed it when I do it, so I do try not to. There's something about dwelling on an injury instead of a victory that drags your spirit right down, makes you feel like you did at that past point, and drains you away from the here and now. I've had entire friendships with people who only discussed the past, not the plans for the future or what's happening right now. It could have been 10 minutes ago, but it was more interesting to them than figuring out what's next and moving on. No wonder my universe never got anywhere, eh? I did the same thing. Hard to move forward when you're inadvertantly always discussing the past.
And once I started to make a change and started setting things in motion, whew! Hold on to your seats folks, because my universe started kicking into high speed. Changes come faster, good things swing my way more often, and the differences are so drastic that my old self wouldn't recognize my new self. Kinda cool, actually. I have no idea if it works like this for everyone, but my experience has been quite remarkable.
So if you wanna connect, tell me what you're living now. What you're planning. Not that I won't comfort you in times of need and help you heal, but there's healing and then there's dwelling. I know where I want to live, and now seems like a pretty good place :-)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Almost travel ready..
So now that I've ordered the more Macguyver stuff and luggage-y things, I'll see about his needs. Not planning on bringing tons of clothes - I'm going to where almost all of our clothes are made, I'm already planning an excellent shopping spree! Silk, maybe a piece of jade for D's mom, a silk parasol or three, maybe some cool fans, and all of it has to fit into the orange suitcase of doom! Or perhaps I'll take two suitcases and fill the heck out of them. If nothing else, because I know mymom will be buying the universe in silk :-) She's a power shopper and bargainer, and I fully expect to have to extricate her regularly from the street vendors. Should be entertaining.
Found out about an Irish pub in Hangzhou. We'll see if it's really there. I think that would be an experience - having a decent beer in a Chinese Irish pub... We'll see if it's somewhere I'd want to be after dark.
Wow, 5 weeks of work and school, then off I go... It'll be over too fast, I already know that.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Networking sans wires
So I've decided to try stealth mode for a bit. I've been shamelessly asking everyone I know if they know lawyers who'd like a free intern this summer. And started making calls and sending emails. Nothing yet, but I've gotten a vastly warmer response by naming names than my resume ever did by chilly cold sending.
Hopefully something will pan out, and I need to get cracking on the Portland area soon too. Fall internships are probably filling up now, ack! So I'll be buried in my resume for a bit while cranking out my Biotech assignments.
But I'm more hopeful that something will pan out from this whole mess, and maybe I'll have a good summer after all. And a bit of time to visit friends too.
Now to figure out - An Tir Crown or Burning Man? Why is it that everything cool is planned on the same 4 weekends every year?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Hmm, things are falling into place nicely...
Granted, it means that I likely won't do two of the trips I was considering over the summer. As much as I'd like to, it's just not smart to spend the money. Things may work out, but I'm not planning on it.
And my credit cards are all paid off, so I do have a short term safety net, just in case I need it to finish paying for the bar review course or something. Pretty damn cool!
Feeling a bit more relaxed about the whole thing. I know it will work out, I just need to get the basics set up and I'll be fine. Woohoo!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Proof that you can gild a lily and come out ahead ;-)
Oh blessed reset button
Saturday I drove up to my sister's, stopped off to hunt for that bridesmaid dress I need to get, then spent the afternoon and evening with my sis and her family. I adore my godson, and playing with him in the park was fantastic! He loves the swings, just as I did at that age, and he kept wanting to go faster and higher. So I pushed as high as my heart could handle, and I chased him all over the slides and jungle gym as well. His laughter was just a joy, and my sister was relieved to have the help in tiring him out. And I got to hold my niece in the evening for an hour or so, she snorted and cooed and sighed at me. It was just amusing to me, because I was terribly protective of my sister and both kids. Having them around makes me lioness Auntie Jammy. I'm fierce, don't mess with my family :-)
Sunday, I went to the 40th birthday party of one of my dear friends. These are my SCA household friends, despite our general lack of SCA involvement for most of them. But they're my favorite partners in crime, and my former D&D group (ie. excuse to sit around, talk, and drink excellent microbrews). We played a card game, chatted, caught up and it was just wonderful to see them! I let them know about the Portland plan, and they were psyched for me. And they're more likely to visit me in Portland than they ever were while I'm in San Diego. Hooray!
Finally I drove home in the evening, finished my homework, and finished puttering around the house. Just relaxing and fun all weekend.
Congrats to my friends who got knighted this weekend! Very much deserved, and I'm very sorry to have missed it!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
And about that stupid logic crap...
News flash folks, I am thinking with my heart. My heart is not interested in more broken-ness. It's not interested in spinning dreams out of air that will never be realized. My heart is not interested in people who promise the world, yet can't handle the reality of me. My heart is intimately aware of what makes me happy. And my heart is strong enough to wait for it. Just because my heart speaks in logic that I taught it, doesn't make it any less of a heart. Some things can't be explained. For everything else, there's mathmatics :-)
Ok, so, my head sat down with my heart for the weekly coffee. It sincerely objected to not being held responsible for my life lately. I live with passion. Just because my passion currently isn't carnal, doesn't mean that it's any less passionate. I have a goal. A very close goal. I have worked my ass off for 3+ years to get here. Why would my heart, in its infinate wisdom, throw that away for just anyone? My heart sincerely objects to being treated like a passenger in something that can only be driven by heart and need and passion through some of the toughest things I've ever done. And I've been through the FBI Academy, an interesting childhood, and other things I don't talk about.
So tell me, why would I throw my heart and passion at just anyone? The first guy to cross my path and show me some attention? Sure, my self esteem isn't the greatest. Thank goodness... I'd be insufferable. But I know what I want, and I can tell who wants it enough to go there with me. And who's got the backbone, courage, strength, and heart to go there honestly. Not sure when I'll find it, not sure if I ever will. But I'll wait and bet he's out there, rather than sell anything short.
So go ahead, discount my heart. Go right ahead. Pretend like it's not running things. I know me better.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Now, I've been there and, after my divorce, I vowed never to be there again. Life is too short, brutish, and hard to live with someone who isn't at least pleasant to be around. So we made a pact not to settle, and to talk to each other to help have the courage to venture long enough to find some happiness. I know what I want, especially after the last year of attempted dating. And she had her list of good things to look for. Neither of us have terribly insurmountable wants, just some basics that any mature adult should have a reasonable helping of. Here's some examples:
1. Kindness - if you're regularly a shit to the people who care about you, no thanks. Simple kindness and an ability to be gentle with those around you is one of the single most attractive qualities I've seen. And lately it seems rare.
2. Capability - need to be mostly self sufficient, pay own bills, have own spending cash, working vehicle, place to live without an ex or parent figure present, and the ability to make major decisions in a reasonable manner.
3. SCA - yeah, I know. At least has to be open to the concept. Preferably a heavy fighter.
4. Confidence - have some form of life that satisfies you. Hobbies, job you like, good friends. With or without a relationship present.
5. Interest - you gotta be interested in me, right here and now. No waiting for me to move, degree to be finished, sun to rise tomorrow, etc. While logistics can be frustrating, if you're truly interested, you can at least be saying that in a clear, inequivocal manner until things are figured out. Indifference is not attractive. Willingness to wait without a commitment of some form tells me you're "settling" for me or it's some kind of stupid "test"- not attractive either.
6. Respect of a good amount of your peers - this is a funny one. Everyone I know is respected by someone. But I can tell a lot by who respects you. If you have people you need to avoid, who want to maim you in dark alleys, who just simply don't like you and aren't afraid to say so, I'm just not interested, thanks. I've had to clean up enough messes this year to know that I'm just not fond of the concept. A screw up once in a while is fine, but you need to be responsible enough to take care of it yourself and understand the consequences.
7. Responsibility - it's a basic. Take care of your own shit, responsibility for what you do, humbleness in fixing things, and pride in work well done.
8. Ability to listen and acknowledge what you're hearing - this here is the single hardest thing to find in our current society. I'm even guilty at times of not hearing what's being said to me, and immediately turning it around to be about me. When someone else is talking, it's not about you. Period. Hear what's being said, repeat if necessary, and soak it up. You don't have to agree, just hear. Extra points for considering what it means.
9. Consistency - Waffles are for breakfast. Wishy washy is not attractive. If you can't make a decision on whether you want to be with me, I can. I'm very consistent - if I'm not interested in talking to you, I'm not interested in you. It's really quite simple. Thanks for playing.
10. Patience - Waiting and seeing what happens is really the key to anything. And it's the only way you get to real trust. Speaking of which...
11. Trust - it's a doozy. I've had a rough time with it for a while now. If I trust you, I trust you wholeheartedly. I didn't think this was a hard one, just act with integrity and honesty. But apparantly it's another tough one, and I can't kinda trust you and be wth you.
There - illustrative, contemplative, gives you a good idea of the basics. No one is more important, some are dealbreakers, some aren't. And the key is that I try to be every single one of them myself. I can't ask something of someone else without living it first. Didn't say I succeeded all the time, but I do try. Anything else would be settling for someone else.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
For those of you who haven't figured it out yet...
Probably to Portland, things are coming together to move there the easiest and in the most positive manner. You've got a few months to convince me otherwise if you so desire :-)
And I have the most amazing friends..
Monday, March 19, 2007
The Greek tunic from Hell...
Here's the bottom hemline, it's the same front and back - warriors hunting lions - applique and acrylic, painted border, all based on vases.
Here's the chest motif - a split lion head, which is Jedon's heraldry. Again, applique, paint:
And the sleeve motif - again, from a vase and applique mostly. Bit of paint for accent:
The whole thing is hand sewn - no point in doing all this hand work if it's not sewn together by hand too, eh? Not bad for my first big applique project. I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Things learned: it's hard to get the level of detail I like without having to go over the paint multiple times, Conan the barbarian is just long enough to applique 47 little pieces of suede cloth on each sleeve, bigger is vastly easier and can still look cool, stencils hate me.
Friday, March 16, 2007
That's just annoying...
So I'll go bug the externship lady and see if she has ideas for civil internships. I'm a civil sort of person, dammit! :-)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Great.... Juuuust great...
Now I want Dim Sum. All the freaking time. Nothing like BBQ pork buns.
So I hunted online for a take out dim sum shop in SD. I'll be sampling my finds this weekend before seeing 300 again.
But I can say excuse me in Mandarin. Kinda... Probably have an accent like a southern girl trying to speak French, but oh well. Eventually....
Must have Dim Sum....
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Hmm, but there's more in my brains...
I've been spending a bit more time than usual at home lately, mainly because I have 3 trips planned over the next month. I'd really like the concept of a cleaner house, and I'm tackling some of the things making it less than clean. I killed the paper monster at my desk last night. Organized the whole box of random crap, threw out a big chunk of paper, shredded the delicate bits, and put the file-able stuff to one side. Now I just need more files to tame what's left, and voila! One quarter of my desk space is reclaimed. The bookshelves are next. I need to pack what I want to keep, sell what I can and add the rest to the garage sale/swap meet pile. And I need to start putting things aside for the medieval garage sale at the end of the month. C was sweet enough to say she'd sell my goodies if I labelled and bagged them for her. Hooray! I don't really need 17 saris... or a lot of other stuff for SCA. And I put the schlager and mask up on the Calafia list, and a very nice fencer type cross posted it for me. Slowly I compact the massive pile of stuff I own.
Next are the fibre and fabric monsters. The fabric is just getting downsized. I have way too much linen and silk in there to truly say goodbye to all of it. And I currently live next to the LA fabric district. Giving up my fabric while living so far away from the fabric district makes me feel like I'm going to starve! But I suppose they actually sell wool up there, which is sorely lacking in the deserts of SoCal. Trade one for the other I suppose. But inkle trim is high on the list of things to crank out while watching netflix, listening to my Chinese course, or listening through my class review tapes. I ended up with a bunch of smurf blue after Estrella - a side point of mainly buying the bargain bags of thread. Luckily I have a number of attractive colors to mix it with. I have a lovely purple, pale blue and smurf blue trim going now that will be quite nice. Despite being mainly smurf blue...
And I was amused to note that while I don't think I can part with any of my musical instruments (in theory once the degree is done, I'll actually practice again!), all of my clothing will fit in the three pieces of luggage I own. Not garb, mind you. Clothing and shoes for the real world. Including my 5 formal gowns, 8 suits, and collection of rude fightig t-shirts. I think I just lost my girl card..
Stairs and other good things
Did a pile of homework, cleaned the bathroom and watched the last 45 minutes of Under the Tuscan Sun. Good movie. I'm not usually a chick movie kinda girl, but it was sweet. Made me want to go buy a villa in Tuscany. Pity it's not that easy, eh?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
(click on the Snort header)
Sweet! Back to fighting...
Oh, only scary thing he said was that if I do need surgury, it's not guaranteed to work 100%. Apparently this is a very common problem of the elbow (like 70% of doctors at a conference had the problem when asked), but anytime you mess with nerves, they may not like where they end up. So let's hope no cutting.
Monday, March 12, 2007
The norse word for poor is "tolaus" without tools - meaning that you don't bring anything useful to the warband
The anglo saxon word for warband is geoborscipe , meaning "those who drink beer together"
The slavic words for "friend" are druzhe or drugaya, meaning "those who've been through a lot of crap together", in Norse its Drengr
the norse word for agreement or contract is felag, meaning "agreement for the distribution of cows"
the anglosaxon word geoborles means that "we are completely and utterly screwed" and translates literally as "we are out of beer"....
Go see 300!
300 was AWESOME! The lights came back up and the end and I felt like a 5 year old at Disney - Do it again! I want to see it on IMAX. I want to see it every day. I want posters of the MEN in this movie wallpapering my universe. Good god it was good! I felt like writing the director love poetry when it was done. I hated the fact that my doc hasn't released me to fight yet when it was over. It was so tasty, delicious, happy, satisfying, and the use of slow motion wasn't the train wreck I was afraid it might be. I was grateful for the slow motion - it gave me more time with their amazingly sculpted bodies. This movie should be in a museum for the sheer David-esque quality of the men. The personal trainers should get Oscars... Oy! I need a cold shower now just thinking about it. Ok, I'll stop. But run, do not walk, do not pass go, do not collect $200 before you see this movie! And most of the guys I know liked it too. Except those who aren't comfy with lots of almost naked men. Personally, the dudity was just fine for me.
Yes, I know. I sound like a teenage girl on crack. But I liked Leonidis's wife too. Really - she kicked ass, literally! There was much applause at a certain part. If you saw it, you know the one I mean. And I'm writing that quote on my new shield once I make it :-)
Friday, March 09, 2007
Umm, duh?
Best line ever in a scientific study: He added, "These studies show that our social relationships and gonads have their own relationships."
Snort. No kidding.
Just need to get through the weekend....
I think I just have to resign myself to the fact that my neighbors are just noisy, and I'm not going to be able to study at home most of the time. Which sucks, as it's not the way it was when I moved in. But they live there too. And yes, I've asked them to adjust, maybe not hang out outside my bedroom window, etc, but considering they're all smokers and the arrangement of the social spaces, it's not gonna happen. So I'll just plan on heading to school when I have time on my hands and work on my homework there instead.
I just want to get both of these exams done, get ahead in my homework, and get started on the papers I need to do for the semester. It would be really nice to get good grades this semester, but considering how unprepared I am at the moment, I'mnot sure how I'm going to do.
And I could care less about the SCA, fighting, politics, or anything else not related to school or China at the moment. Considering that my arm still aches by the end of every day, and I haven't been cleared to fight for another month or so, there's no point. I don't think I'll need surgery, but I'm not taking changes with the health of my dominant arm. I'd rather focus on real life, thanks. So it would be really lovely for folks to stop asking about my plans for war. I'm not going to be there. I'll be in China. It's lovely that you're all gung ho, but I'm not. I have no reason to be. And yes, I'm cranky as hell at the moment. I'll be better with sleep...
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Hooray for Thursday!
Add in my 2 exams that I've prepared for slightly on Saturday, and ugh. I'm just tired and I don't want to do anything. But I went to school today and got the green light on my externship and a bunch of tools for setting it up. Set up an appointment with my possible directed study professor, and talked to alumni relations about contacts for internships. Everyone was really encouraging and helpful. It's very cool. Now I just have to find funding or some way to support myself while interning. Hooray!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Busy Social calendar
And yeah, sat down and threw all the social stuff I'm planning on a list so I knew where I'd be for the next 4 months or so. WOW! What a total crapload of busy. I've got a lot to do in a short period of time. No wonder I'm exhausted lately! Time to stay home and recharge the batteries these next two weekends and get homework done ahead of time so I can so it.
Nothing set on school stuff yet. More to follow once I have actual decisions and confirmations from school that things can be worked out. So far, my entire fall is up in the air. Oy!
China is pretty much set. Tuition is paid, paying for housing next week. Bought a massive suitcase, and I'll begin packing next month.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Fantastic weekend!
Realized while purusing my friends' various pages that I'm just not a poetry person. Sure, I adore Rumi and Shakespear and certain other wordsmiths. But when it comes to reading poetry, it's almost a ritual for me. I know whose words I like to hear, and it takes a minor mindshift for me to sit still and pay attention. So I just don't read most of the poetry, good bad or ugly, posted on the random blog sites. I just don't. I found that amusing. I'm a poetry snob! Or I just don't want to spend time right now... I dunno, just don't take this as an invitation to send me every long, meandering poem out there. If it's really bad, send it over. I somehow have a soft spot in my heart for truly abysmal poetry. One of those train wreck things I guess :-)
Friday, March 02, 2007
And we're off...
And time to go see the family this weekend. Debating back and forth due to my cold. I may just call and ask my sister what she thinks. I hate to give the baby my cold, but maybe if I can admire from afar, things would work out. I'd love to see everyone, it's always a blast..
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
One more bit about closure...
Now that's not to say I don't care about folks. I've been blessed with a ton of wonderful men in my life, and I wish them well in their individual endeavors. Some of them kept in touch, some didn't, some are very sweet and kind, some I'd prefer jumped off a bridge for their own good and the sake of others. But generally there's just not any attachment left there either, beyond a platonic friendship at most. Kinda cool, actually, and allows me to enjoy talking to them when I do run into them.
But all this is rather handy in my universe. I get to sail along, do my work and studying, enjoy the company of my friends, all without obsessing over some guy or waiting by the phone or being the lonely cat law student at home. I'm just too busy with things to do to want to tie up my emotions in what could have been, should have been, etc. If things will happen, they just will. My universe is turning slowly to one in which things just drop into my life for a reason, and all is good as long as I don't force things. No ulcers, no pain, no wondering what's wrong with me. I'm just fine thanks, at least in my world. Not perfect, just fine.
Exit, stage left.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
And still counting
295 until I graduate...
Problem is that to go ask for what she needs to get closure, and she'll likely just get more of the same pain. Rarely are people adult enough to just say, "ok, it didn't work. I'm sorry for the hurtful things I said, and I value what you were willing to give to me. But it just isn't working and we should both move on to search for someone who can give the way you and I both need in our own ways." Yeah, that'll happen in the real world. And even if it does, no one ever believes us. Hurt has a funny way of coloring the world in a less agreeable light..
So here we are, discussing her hurt and trying to find a way to bring peace to her heart. If I could grant it with a few words, I would. But it's really more about time, acceptance, and having the courage to try again. And that's really all it is....
Monday, February 26, 2007
Oh yeah, I forgot that...
I think I made the better choice.
And I'm spent...
Went to the FDCPA workshop - it was fabulous. And there was barely anyone there, which was sad. Oh well, I guess they don't need training in a practice area that actually helps consumers deal with nasty collection agencies. Not sure I'd want to make it my whole practice, but it's a nice addition to any skill set.
I was also able to go pick up a recording of the MPRE class that I missed due to the FDCPA workshop - audio in the car is just fine for me. And I even interviewed with the two agencies I wanted to that were at the job fair at the same time as the workshop. Go me, multitasking like a fiend on Saturday!
Went to the Burner fairy party thing with A on Saturday night. It was fun, and rather girly to dress up, stick flowers in our hair and go dance. I didn't get nearly enough party on at Estrella, so this fit the bill nicely. I laughed at the number of oflks wanting to talk to A in her belly dacne outfit. She looked fabulous, and I was considering investing in baseball bats so we could just dance already. But we had fun. I got a drive by shimmy by the cutest little angel boy gay man in the place, and we have a nice little dance circle going on with the El wire cowboy, timid transvestite, two angel boys wearing almost nothing, and me and A. And I found a bartender who knew what I meant about a good Cosmo. Then had a long drunken conversation with a guy outside about dealing with women in general. Nothing like alcoholic philosophy. All in all a very fun night, even if I didn't last until breakfast at dawn. 2am was enough for me, and we staggered home.
Although I was amused to note the disdain for drinking among the crowd. It was subtle, but I can't see this crowd being kind to an over sauced imbiber. Funny how the legal drug gets shit when overdone, eh?
Friday, February 23, 2007
Wheee! Now I'm excited!
Slowly the various pieces are clicking into place and I just need to keep things moving. Rather than feeling exhausted at the end of a work week, I'm rather looking forward to getting up early tomorrow and heading to the workshop. I also found out that one of the employers I applied for an internship with will be at the job fair tomorrow. I need to go talk to them - I want that one! It would be fabulous!
Folks are starting to dig up their legal contacts in various areas for me to talk to. Time to print up resumes and writing samples. Pull out something dressy for tomorrow to schmooze in. I even ran out on lunch and got better shoes. Yay for shoes!
I finally feel like things are beginning to work out. Not sure how, and it just may be a side effect of not eating and taking lots of pain killers :-) But, I'm pretty happy with stuff in general. Kind of excited, even. It's pretty cool!
Let's just start with Owie....
So since I can't concentrate on my accounting to finish at the moment, let's describe what's going on in my hand:
Imagine itsy bitsy hot pokers along each finger bone, that join together along the underside of your arm. Add in the creepy crawly nerves, and the perpetual feeling that something is in the palm of your hand. Toss in some rotator cuff soreness, an inability to rest your elbow on anything for longer than a few seconds and random cramping among the muscles in your hands.. Hoo-fucking-ray... I'm not bitchy, just grumpy when the painkiller wears off. Sneaks up on me as the dose drops.
Yeah, and I feel like sewing now. A lot. And Inkle weaving. I saw a lot of cool stuff at war and I want to create cool stuff out of the new materials I got. But DENIED... I can't work a pair of scissors at the moment, so it looks like I'll be a law student all weekend. I can manuver a book, and my writing is geting more readable every day.
*le sigh* plus ca chose, plus ca meme chose..
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I can have it all....
But I found out that I can get a video of the MPRE course, attend the collections seminar, and go bug employers on my break from the seminar as they're in the same building. Go Me! So I basically will be working all day both days, soaking up lots of info, then going home to the scintellating MPRE review course at night. Luckily, none of this seems to require the use of my right arm, other than shaking hands. Thank goodness I don't have a cast to worry about!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I think I'm in love....
Large Vicoden or
Went to Doctor. Thinks I'm nuts for SCA fighting. But no broken bones, just a pile of soft tissue damage and nerve damage. And dammit, he wants me to use it as much as possible. Owie... But I have some very nice painkillers that finally allow me to get some sleep, and some exercises to encourage the little nerves to come back out of hiding. By the way, it sucks using a mouse. I can only move the bugger around for a little while, then I have to go roam around and swear for a while.
So I feel rather happy and spacy today, on my happy horse pills. Can't drink unless I forgo the painkillers, but that's just fine. No plans for partying for a while anyways. Might cut into my plan to join the local hash runners soon, but I can put that off a smidge longer. And soon I'll be able to just take the vicoden at night only.
And hey, I'm not stressing about jobs, school, the Bar, or anything. Pretty nifty, even though my arm feels like it's being gnawed by a pack of beavers. I think I'll just pay attention to the beavers for a bit...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Gee, think this might explain a few things?
Fame Junkies
Weekend was great - except....
Would have gone to Urgent Care last night, but got home to flooded apartment. Yay.
Lost car keys. Thank goodness I'm redundant.
APartment almost dried out, going to doctor today.