Friday, December 08, 2006


I did it. I stopped the runaway metabolism dead in its tracks. Hopefully now I'll stop the weight loss marathon, too.

Recipe: 1 fried shrimp po-boy + fries with creole dipping sauce (aka. spicy mayo)

Arrange food attractively in the little black box, place dipping sauce at a jaunty angle. Dive in with great abandon while examining the latest museum catalog at desk. Wait for that sinking feeling as your gall bladder attempts to compensate for the worst nutrition you've had in 2 weeks. Breathe. Listen to the overdrive unhitch itself and the burning sensation of overachieving metabolism finally subside. Feel arteries harden and choke on the amazing SoCal meets Louisiana meal.

Ahhhh.... I need a nap. Maybe I'll finally dream again. Ahh, to sleep perchance to dream. Hopefully not at my desk.

1 comment:

Melissa Hannon said...

Ya know, I think LaNova does ship... double order of wings and a pizza? That should help do the trick :)