Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Ok this Tuesday, Thursday thing is going to be painful for the next few months. Granted, it's vastly better than spreading the pain through the whole week. But going to work by 7:30, hitting hte gym at lunch, leaving around 5ish, going to class from 6-10, then stumbling home is just freaking nuts! I got out of class and had a weird "I need to eat, yet I'm wired and tired all at once" feeling. Add this to watching what I'm eating and wow, I think I'm crazy...

Granted, now that I've gottten 2 of 3 books in the mail I can go home tonight after work and shuffle through homework in the comfort of my hobbit hole. I like that going home after work thing - it's tasty! There's an excellent chance I'm not going to practice tonight, if only because of the novelty of doing my homework at home. And I'm contemplating a bit of quality time on the XBox. Sure, I'm a bit more focused when I study at the library. But boy, can I clean when I need a break in studying at home. I finally found the top of my desk on Sunday, not to mention hanging the thread rack and cleaning out one of the shelves in the cabinet. And my apartment needs some love. It told me today it's feeling neglected. There's also nothing more fun than chasing the cats with the vacuum - looks of absolute terror on their faces!

So yeah, I can do this 15 hour day thing. I truly can. I just have to take care of myself and pace things a bit to be sure I get fun and sleep and food in there somewhere too!

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