Monday, August 28, 2006

Pennsic Parties, and then some...

They were lame, like a 3 legged dog. Most nights I wandered around with friends or limped back to camp by midnight. There wasn't that "gee, I don't know you, let's be friends" camraderie from years past that I remember. Granted, last year I had Hurricane Shaia to party with. Very little compares... And I had to miss Isabella's Girls Night Out party on friday - big fat pout!

But I did see college friends, including some I haven't seen in over a decade! They had one party called the "Trial by Fryer" where they fried up every sort of food you could plunge into hot oil. Pity it's PA at dusk, and the dew eliminates cripsy in mere moments. But entertaining, even if I decided to spare my gall bladder the work. But I did come in 3rd in the evening's poker game. And I met a few friends' significant others they recently married.

Not a big year for me to be drinking either. While I had a great time wandering around with the Caid party as a Pirate Catholic schoolgirl, that 1/2 mile walk back to my bed was pretty sobering. And I wasn't keen on being the wandering drunken pirate schoolgirl late at night. Safety first! And Mel and I seemed to just be happy mellow tipsy girls for the most part. It was fun to just hang out and talk for crying out loud...

So yeah, I did have a wonderful time. It was nice to stealth Pennsic the way I like to - see lots of people, fight in the good battles, see the parties, not get too nasty sick, and relax relax relax.

1 comment:

Julia said...

I found some great parties, they were all just REALLY FAR from our camp. Wasn't it fun camping at the end of the universe?

And that 1/2 mile walk home was ALL UPHILL.

I think the only time I made it home before 3 was after the Corn party 'cause it was right next door.

Did I send you a link to my pictures? You're in one.

I had a great Pennsic. But next year, I'm camping in the swamp.