Friday, September 18, 2009

Wow, it's been a while...

It has been such a busy year!

My universe is changing more than the weather, and trying to stay calm through it all has been a challenge. Job has changed, my home has changed, my relationships have changed with many folks... It's all kind of a blur. But hopefully starting to slow down so i can settle into something of a routine.

Anyone who says that the routine is bad is nuts! The problem with a routine comes in when you get stuck in it, can't get out of it, and you're stuck in a rut. For the moment though, I'm simply trying to build something of a routine that is beneficial to my universe. Therein lies the key, I think. When I was good about my routines - working out, eating right, getting things done productively at work, etc., it was easier to get the things done that needed to happen. I was healthier and generally happier. And since my universe does change a lot, there's only a few points in my life that I can point to and say "there's an old, not so beneficial routine". But for the most part, the structure is good for me.

Trying to focus on the positive there, and just take everything as it comes.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Related to my WoW addiction, but I think it's a worthy charity. I've long ben a proponant of the good things that come from video games:

Read, give, enjoy!